-lalocative case endingat, withused with proper nouns and pronounsWarta lilili-ya ngarala nyarratja. Wirnturula-ya ngarala-warni pirni.There are blue mulga trees over there. There are lots all around the Wirnturu rockhole.Kukakukari-yan ngulakutju wirrtja-wirrtjara, ngayula nyinapayiru.It’s only now that you want some meat that you’re all rushing over here, as if you always sit with me.see-ngka
la / -lanpronoun endingwe all (we and you)1st person plural inclusive subjectWilurruwirrmira-lan tjiingka yurrarayirnu.All of us gathered wild grapes over there.
lakanounsong cycle depicting the route of dreamtime people who travelled from the sea near Roebourne and Pt Hedland to the northern part of the central desert. It also refers to the route and to the dreamtime people who followed that route.Means the same astingarri
lakalkuintransitive verblimpWatilu marlu kultulku. Ka malakalku ngarriku. Ka pitjaku pungku mantjira kutikatiku.A man could spear a kangaroo. But it limps away and lies down. Then he comes, kills it, picks it up and takes it away.See alsolurrpalkuturnngalku
lakarrparanounhard groundLakarrparangka tjanpingka tjurru-tjurru kutipitjaku.You go on hard ground or on grass without leaving tracks.Mirtura wanayilku marlu kumpitjuralpi purtu nyangama lakarrparangka.You track a kangaroo and if you lose (the track) you won’t be able to see it on hard ground.See alsokunata-kunatapankapututirri
lakiluckyparticlejust as well, luckily, fortunatelySee alsopalyatjarraMeans the same astjulka
lakirlpungkutransitive verbroughly pull something out of somethingNgayuku yakutjangka-ya pitjangu lakirlpungkula nyakulanytja.They came and roughly pulled things out of my bag and were looking at them.Kaarnkalu lakirlpungku ngalku.A crow roughly pulls (the eye) out of (a dead animal) and eats it.
lalaNORTHERNnounmeatin restricted contexts‘Palunya? Kuka tirnka?’ ‘Lalawiya.’‘What happened? Did you get any goannas?’ ‘No meat (for us).’Palunya lala?Did you get any meat?See alsokuka
lalangiyalkufromlalaparticleI don’t suppose I’ll get any meatLalangiyalku-rna yanku purtu parrangurrirayilku marlaku pitjama nyirnurrurtu.I don’t suppose I’ll get any meat. I’ll go and look around unsuccessfully and come back without any.
lalapaexclamationcutieaffectionate saying to small child or upon seeing something smallWatjalku, ‘Lalapa! Tjilku walyku-walykumunu.’You say (to a little child), ‘Cutie! What a lovely child.’Means the same asnanapatatapa
lalaputjumunufromlalaadjectivehopeless hunterWiya, wati nyarranya-kulila lalaputjumunu. Kukawanartu parrapitjaanku pitjama wiyartu.Oh, that man is a hopeless hunter. He goes around among the game (kangaroos) and comes back with nothing.Paluru lalaputjumunu ngarlpurringkulayilku pitjama.He’s a hopeless hunter. He just plays around and comes home.See alsotjami-tjami
larlalarralkuintransitive verbsplit into pieces, split apart, break into piecesLarlalarralku manta ngaanya ngula Katungkatjanya pitjanyangka.This earth will split apart later on when the Lord comes.Means the same astampirraalku
larlalpungkufromlarlalarralkutransitive verbmake ground split openMarrpuri larlalpungkula yanu.The roots went across making the ground split open.See alsotampirrpungku
larlaltjalkakufromlarlalarralkuintransitive verbsplit openManta ngaanya ngula larlaltjalkaku. Nyangka-la tjarrpaku.This ground will split open later on and we’ll go into it.See alsowartunarralkuMeans the same astampirrtjalkaku
larlitjarraadverb 2with tail turned upof dog‘Larlitjarrampanyu mapitjayirni nganyirri purlkaru.’(You mockingly say about a dog that’s small or not fierce,) ‘Just think of that. He’s going along with his tail curled up as if he was really fierce.’See alsokarlitjarra
lalypaadjectiveflatKatalarra lalypa.On top (the roof) was flat.See alsopilytja
lalypalkufromlalypatransitive verbflatten somethingYarra rurrupuwa-rurrupuwa lalypara kati.Go and file down (the knobs on the artefact) until you make it flat and then bring it back.
lalyparringkufromlalypaintransitive verbbecome flatTaya kutjarranguru tirtu lalyparringkupayi.The tyres on both sides (of the car) were always going flat.See alsopilytjarringku
lalypunounhollow in the ground, depression in the groundLalypungka-lan nyinarra.We’re sitting in a hollow.Means the same aslawu
lalypurringkufromlalypuintransitive verbbecome hollowed out, become a hollowYiwarra ngaangka-ya kukurrmanu-kukurrmanu nyangka lalypurringu ngarala.They’ve been running up and down on this track and it’s become a hollow.
lalyulkutransitive verbspoon outPalunyalu maralu lalyuralpi warungka tjunku.Then after spooning out (the mixture of woollybutt seed and water) with your hand, you put it on the fire.
lamilankutransitive verbopen something by lifting something upTjitji palanya tjaa lamilarra nyawa. Nyaapa kuurltjunu?Open that child’s mouth and have a look. What’s he swallowed?Mutuka mulya palanya lamilarra nyawa.Lift up the bonnet of that car and have a look (at the oil).See alsolampilkupirnkilku
-lampapronoun endingours and yours, for us all1st person plural inclusive possessive or benefactiveAyi, warntu-lampa kulyarrtjunu.Hey, our blankets have been wet with dew.Yuwawu, yutuwari-lampa raakatingu. Ka tjirntu yartakarringu.That’s it, the clouds have cleared for us and the sun has appeared.