paakarraadverb 2quickly obedient, willing or happy to do anything without complainingKapiku wituranyangka tjuni paakarralu kulira kapi marnmanma.When you send her for water she takes notice and gets it because she’s willing.See alsominyarra yarlapina yarlaMeans the same aswangarnarra
paakunintilkualsopaakuyungkutransitive verb1pass on sickness to another person, infect another personPurrtju, yurnturrngu, yurrkalya paakunintilku.You pass on sores, boils or a cold to other people.Ngurlurringamatarra paakunintiltjaku.You might also be afraid in case (someone with dirty clothes) infects you.Papa ngaalu purrtju purlkanya kanyirnu papa kaminaku mapaakuyungu.This dog had a lot of scabies and gave it to the mother dog.2make another part of the body sorePatjalku pika purlkanya. Patjalku paakuyungku kurlunypa pirninya tirtu patjaratjaku.(The little brown ant) bites and hurts very much. It bites and spreads its little ones (inside you) so that they keep on biting you.See alsoyaanpungkuMeans the same asmuluyungkuparrkartapungku
paalkutransitive verb1cook something, apply heat to somethingMinymalu nani paara.The woman is cooking a rabbit.Paarlpa yilarnu warungka paarnu.He pulled out the sinew and heated it on the fire.2burn someone or somethingWati palunyalu ... purlakarra paalkitjalu piwarraarnu paarnu palunyaku kamuru.That man ... was going to cook the damper when he blundered and burnt his uncle.3sun’s rays make something redTjirntu paara tjarrparranyangka kulilku kapi wiyarringkutjaku.When the sun sets making the sky red you know that the rain is going to clear away.See alsokutjalkuyurnmilkuMeans the same aspawulkuwitalku
paalku wantikufrompaalkuset something to cook, put something to cook, leave something to cookKawarli-kawarlirtu paarnu wantingu. Nyangka kamparra.He set it cooking without my knowledge and it’s now cooking.Ngunytjulu paarnu warungka wantingu nyinangu yurnmirringkunyangka mantjirnu.Mummy put (the meat) in the fire to cook, and waited. When it was cooked she got it.Means the same aswitalku wantiku
paarl-paarl(pa)frompaarlarralkuadverb 2making a thumping soundwith back feet as a warning of danger to other animalsMungarrtji-rni marlulu nyakula paarl-paarlpa yanu.This afternoon a kangaroo saw me and went on its way making a thumping noise.
paarl(pa)noun1sinew, tendon, musclePalunyalu parlkatjunku. Palunyalu paarlta karrpilku.Then he would attach the extension to the spear. Then tie it on with sinew.Kukurrpa pitjayilku. Nyangka paarlpa ngarlturrarriku nyangka punkalku.A person might come running along. Then something will make his muscle get the cramp and he’ll fall down.2vein, arteryMeans the same aspulyku1
paarlarralkuintransitive verbmake a thumping sound with back feeta warning of danger for other animalsMarlu pakara paarlarrara kukurraalku.After getting up a kangaroo moves away quickly, thumping its back feet.See alsopalytjularralku
paarlmankufrompaarlarralkuintransitive verbmake a thumping soundusually with back feet. A warning of danger for other animals.Watilu kulirnu marlu paarlmankutja.The man heard the kangaroo make a thumping sound (as it jumped along).Puru pirtingkatarrartu paarlmanama.(The rabbit) also makes a thumping sound inside the hole.See alsopalytjulmanku
paalytjunkutransitive verb1stop someone from being attacked by someone else, protect someonemay be physical or verbalPika-yanku pungkulanyangka palunyaku tjurtu paalytjunku marlanytjirratjalu.When people are fighting, the older sister protects the younger sister.Witu-witulku, ‘Puwanku paalytjurra yungarralu mara kanyiranytjalu.’Someone urges a person on, ‘Hit (him) yourself and protect yourself since you’ve got hands.’2shoo fliesPurnpurnpa paalytjunku kurungka tjarrpa-tjarrparranyangka. ‘Warta kartarntaralpi paalytjurranku yukiri purlkala.’You shoo the flies when they’re going into your eyes. ‘Break off some leaves and shoo the flies from your (eyes) because there’s a lot of grass (which causes lots of flies).’See alsoyangakanyilku
paalyukatikualsopaalyutikuintransitive verb1fall, fall down, fall over, fall off, fall outKa marlu paalyukatingu.Then the kangaroo fell down.2become sickMinyma ngaanya-kulila yalpurtarti paalyukatirra ngarrirra witu-witumunu.Look this woman is weak like a mulla-mulla plant and is falling sick and lying there.3twitchexperience an involuntary muscle spasm thought to have telepathic significanceNgunytjurtilu kulira. Yilytjanpa paalyutiku.Mummy is thinking of me. (My) muscle twitches (to indicate this).See alsopunka-punkalkuyurntu-yurntulkuMeans the same aslanytjarrukatikupaalyutjalkilkupunkalku
paalyuwarnikufrompaalyukatikutransitive verbdrop something, bring down or fell something, make something fall downMakukurraarnu patjarnu kumpinyu paalyuwarningu.(The dogs) ran off, attacked one (kangaroo) and brought it down.See alsomuulytjingalkuMeans the same askartawarnikupunkatjingalkupaalyangku
paantjikultulkualsopaantjiwakalkutransitive verbshine on someone or something, light up somethingNyaalu-rni paantjikulturnu? Munta pirntirrilu-rni paantjikulturnu.What shone on me? Oh, a star shone on me.Tjiikurlu nyiimarra ngalyakaturriwa palunyalu parna paantjikultula. Palunyapirinypa.You know how lightning flashes towards you and then lights up the ground. It’s like that.See alsopirntaltjingalku
paarn-paarnarrikufrompaarn-paarn(pa)intransitive verbbecome a high load, become full upWarntu pirni tjarrpatjunku-tjarrpatjunku nyangka paarn-paarnarriku.You put all the blankets in (a car) until it gets full up.sounds likepaany-paanyarriku
paarn-paarnmankufrompaarn-paarn(pa)transitive verbmake a high loadMutukangka warntu tjunkulayilku-tjunkulayilku paarn-paarnmanku katu nyinama.You put a lot of blankets on a ute and make the load sit high, and then sit on top.sounds likepaany-paanymanku
paarntju-paarntjufrompaarnarralkuadjective, adverb 2prone to get very upsetKutjupalu pitjaku ngalyawatjalku tjuma tjuni kartarntanku wartalpitjanu. Nyangka paarntju-paarntjulu katurringku yatulkunku kata purlparrpungku.Someone could come and report news and upset someone terribly. Then that person who’s prone to get very upset will get up, hit her own head and end up with a very deep wound.Ngarltutjarra nyarranya paarntju-paarntju. Tjiinya kulilkutarrartu mirrirriku.That poor thing over there is prone to get very upset. She’ll keep thinking about it and might even die.See alsokata paarntju-paarntjukata pawurntju-pawurntjuMeans the same aspawurntju-pawurntju
paany-paany(pa)adjective, adverb 2disinterested in, not wanting someone or somethingMirrkaku paany-paanypa nyinaku-nyinaku.You could be disinterested in food for a while.Kamu-rna paany-paanypa nyinaku Katungkatjaku.I can’t be disinterested in the Lord (even though I’ve been bereaved).
paany-paanyarrikufrompaany-paany(pa)intransitive verbnot want anymore, become disinterestedWatjalku, ‘Kulirnu-kulirnu-rna paany-paanyarringu.’You say, ‘I’ve listened until I don’t want to listen anymore.’Wuyurrpa nyinangi, kuwarrinya paany-paanyarringu.He felt like it, but now he doesn’t want to.Nyaanguru-munta-ya paany-paanyarringu?I wonder why they don’t want to do it anymore?Payipulpa-rna paany-paanyarringu.I didn’t want the Bible anymore.See alsowalyku-walykurringkusounds likepaarn-paarnarriku
paany-paanymankufrompaany-paany(pa)transitive verbmake someone disinterested in somethingKatungkatjalu paany-paanymanku pina.The Lord will make your mind disinterested in (the temptation).sounds likepaarn-paarnmanku