raa-raarringkuintransitive verbbecome swollen, swell upTjina-rni raa-raarringu.My foot swelled up.Kuru-rni raa-raarringu.My eye became swollen.Pika pungku, nyangka raa-raarringku.You might hit someone hard and the bruised area will swell up.See alsonyunytjulytjarrarrikutarlturringkuMeans the same aspuulykurriku
raakatikualsoraatikuintransitive verb1clear awayof cloudsYuwawu, yutuwari-lampa raakatingu. Ka tjirntu yartakarringu.That’s it, the clouds have cleared for us and the sun has appeared.Puyirayilku raatiku.It rains then the (clouds) clear away.See alsopilarrkarrikuMeans the same asraatjalkakuyilkarirriku2become free of restrictions which apply when a boy is being brought to manhoodWaputju purrka-pula raakatiku wati nyarra pukurtitjarrangka. Raakatirra ngamuntirringkula nyinapayi.The potential father-in-law and the special mate become free of restrictions in relation to that new young man. When they’re free of restrictions they can live close to each other (be free to associate).See alsopilparlarriku
raaly(pa)1nounsteady soundKapi raalypa ngarrirra kulinma.You lie and listen to the noise of steady rain.Mutuka ngaanya raalypa walykumunu.This car runs well with a steady sound.2nounslight soundRaalypa wiya!No slight sound (in the recording studio)!Raalypa wanti!Stop making even a slight sound!3nounsmall amount of water just below the surface of a creek bedKarru raalytja-la nyinama wiltjangka.Let’s sit in the shade near the water that’s just below the surface of the creek bed.4adverb 2quietly, comparatively noiselesslyRaalypa-pula waalkarrarnu.The two of them came into view quietly (without a sound).Ngarringu-ngarringu-rna kulirnu rurrku purlkamaalpa raalypa pitjangu. Nyangka-rna wankarringu.I slept for a while and then I heard a car come, not with a loud roar, but with a quiet sound. Then I woke up.See alsokanmarr(pa)
raalymankufromraaly(pa)intransitive verb1give out steady soundparticularly of steady rainNgarri-ngarringu-rna kulirnu kapi raalymankulanyangka.I lay there and then I heard the rain falling steadily.Pirriya-munta raalymara?Is the wind making that steady sound?2make a whoosh soundKurrkapimarringka-latju raalymanu-raalymanu raalymanu mawaalkarrara kutipitjangu.We made a whoosh whoosh whoosh sound (as we came) through the desert oak trees and after emerging (on the other side) we went on.
raalypinkufromraaly(pa)transitive verbscrape something out with a slight soundNgaru yurninypa raalypinku warniku.You scrape out the seeds of a wild apple and throw them away.See alsotjirripungku
raapitarabbitnounrabbitTjiinyakurlu raapita pirni pirtingka ngarlpurrpungkula tjarrpama. Palunyapirinypa.You know how lots of rabbits play together excitedly and then go into their hole. It’s like that.Means the same asnanipinytjataarn(pa)
raapungku1intransitive verbemerge, come into viewYurltu nyarra raapungkula pitjangu.A car has come into view over there.Warnanpa nyarra pitjayirnu ngalyaraapungkula pitjangu.Over there the floodwater has come along and has come emerging towards us.See alsowaalkarralku2transitive verbcause restrictions to be lifted -- after a boy has been brought to manhoodTjiinya-litju raapungu kutjulpirtu-litju tjiinya mantatjunu wantinytjalu. Nyinarrayirnu-litju, kurli kutjarratjanulukutju pirlpirrpa pungu-litju raapungu.We caused the restrictions to be lifted, since a while ago we’d thrown dirt (at those men). We waited a long time and it was only after two years had passed that we hit their chests during a ceremony and caused the restrictions to be lifted.See alsopilparlarrikuraakatiku
raarrakalkutransitive verbscrape something out or off to throw awayKuka marlu yitjilyiranytjalu wirtapi kartalkitjalu kunmarnungka kartalku palunyalu mara kaninytjarra tjunkulalpi wirtapingkatja minyarra raarrakalku warniku.As you are cutting up a kangaroo and before you cut the back portion you cut it with a knife and then put your hand inside and scrape out the skin inside the back and throw it away.
raarrkuwakalkutransitive verbjab into hole, empty spaceTjaminytji raarrkuwakala. Tjiinya-ya pinytjataarnpa kutjupatjarra tjaangka mapupapayi pakara kukurraalkitja. Raarrkuwakannyangka warna-warnarriku-ya.Jab into the opening of the burrow. You know, some rabbits could be crouching away from the person who’s digging, ready to get up and run away. When someone jabs into the hole they go backwards.Wati kultulkitjalu tjaarnpakutju raarrkuwakarnu.He intended to spear the man but he just jabbed his shirt.
raarrmankuintransitive verbmake a squeaking, creaking or grinding soundYurltu kaninytjarra kutjupa-kutjupa raarrmara. Taya-tjinguru kartakatingu.Something is squeaking underneath the car. Maybe the wheel is broken.Tirtu-munta raarrmankupayi?Does (the diff) always whine?Means the same asngiirrmanku2
raatjin(pa)rationnounpension, pension dayTjirntu wumurringu raatjinku.There aren’t many days till pension day.
raatjunkuverbmiss out, not get a chance to do somethingalways used following another verbMirrka mantjirnu katingu raatjunu. Ka-rna tjulyarnu kukurraarnu.He got food and brought it and didn’t get a chance to eat it. For I snatched it and ran away.Ngarlpurringu-ngarlpurringu-ya raatjunu.They played for a long time (with the mouse) and missed out (because the dog got it).Witalykurru-latju mirtingingka nyinangu raatjunu.We were eager to say something in the meeting but didn’t get the chance.
-rapronoun endinghis, her, its, for him, for her, for itTjilku-ra mirrirrikitja ngarrirranyangka kawa-kawarringama.Because her child is lying almost dead she’ll wail loudly.Kiirr-kiirrku-ra manngu tjutangka, wanaringka.The brown falcon’s nest is in gum or mulga trees.Wati palunyaku kurrilu raapita pirni tjulyalku katiku kanyilku-ra nintilku.That man’s wife would catch lots of rabbits, bring them and give them to him.See also-nku
rangka palyaadverbial expressionwithout obstruction, without hindrance, easily, with no problems, at peace (without arguments)Wati wakalku tjunta nyangka rangka palya tjarrpaku wiitjurrulypungku. Nyangka mayurntulku mantjilku. Ka rangka palya pakalku.If a man is speared in the thigh, and (the spear) easily goes right through. Then someone pushes it (through) and gets it. Then it comes out without hindrance.Mutuka ngaanya tjarrparra rangka palya mapitjangu pukirringkutjamaalpa.This car went through (the boggy area) with no problems and didn’t get bogged.Warru rangka palya tjarrpaku yarla kurlunywanu. Kanyarla purlkanya-partu purtu tjarrpaku.A rock wallaby can easily come in through a small opening. But a hill kangaroo is big and can’t come in.Kutjupa-kutjupa kanyiranytjalu tirtu wangkama. Ka watjalku, ‘Nintila. Palunyatjanu-li wangkamaalpa nyinama rangka palya.’If you’ve got something, you keep on talking angrily (because your son keeps asking for it). So (your wife) might say, ‘Give it to him. Then we can live at peace without arguments.’See alsokutjukuurl(pa)
rangki-rangkinounnon-edible bush tomatoSolanum lasiophyllum, S. sturtianumRangki-rangkilu lirri tjutulku. Ka purtu wangkama.The non-edible bush tomato closes up your throat and you can’t speak.
rapa1adjective, adverb 2confident, unashamed, unafraid, bold, braveKa-rna kulirnu, ‘Mularrpartu paalyukatiku-rna mirrirringku tjarrpaku yirralangka.’ Parturtu-rna mularrpa rapartu-rna nyinangu tirtu.I thought, ‘I’ll fall into the pool and die.’ However, I still sat there bravely.seekurrurnpa rapa
rapa2rubbernoun1plastic bucket, plastic containerWuyilpa pala rapa purlkala ngarrirra.The motor oil is in the big plastic container.2something made of rubberTjinapuunpa payipungu makatingu kanyirayirnu. Ka kurlingka mapitjayirnu. Nyangka rapa lapularrarnu. Ka warningu.I bought some shoes and had them for a while. Then I went out in the heat. But the rubber (sole) peeled off. So I threw them away.
rapa-rapafromrapa1adverb 21cheeky, bold, courageous, bravePitulpa parntilpayi pirninya-ya rapa-rapa purlkanya ngurluku ngurrpa.Petrol sniffers are very bold, they’re never afraid of anything.Rapa-rapa-ya nyinama.Be brave.2tameof animalKamurlpa ngaanya nganyirrimaalpa rapa-rapa ngarala.This camel isn’t wild, but tame.