tjaanoun1mouthMuungu-rni tjaangka tjarrpangu. Ka-rni kurrurnpa yulkapa-yulkaparringu.I swallowed a fly. (lit. A fly went into my mouth.) Then I felt like vomiting.Tjitji palanya tjaa lamilarra nyawa. Nyaapa kuurltjunu?Open that child’s mouth and have a look. What’s he swallowed?2opening, entranceWiltja tjaangka nyinarranytja.He was sitting in the entrance to his shelter.3speech, languageYini tjaa marungkatja wiyartu.He has no name in our Aboriginal language.Tjaa kutjupa-ya wangkarra.They’re talking another language.Means the same astjaminytji
tjaa lipifromtjaa1something with a wide mouth, e.g. a shot gun, a mug or a billycan2loudmouthwide mouthTjaa lipi -- tirtu wangkapayi.He’s a loudmouth -- always talking.
tjaa lurrtju-lurrtjufromtjaatalking all at onceTjurlpu-ya tjaa lurrtju-lurrtju wangkarra.The birds are all calling together.
tjaa nyantuly(pa)fromtjaa1quiet -- not talkingTjaa nyantulypa nyinama kutjupanya nyakula watjantjamaalpa.Be quiet and don’t talk about other people.Walypala ngaanya wangka Ngaanyatjarraku ngurrpa nyinarra tjaa nyantulypa.This white man doesn’t know the Ngaanyatjarra language and is sitting there quietly without talking.seenyantuly(pa)2in a soft voiceat special ceremonial times and with certain in-lawsWati minyma ngaanya-pula tjaa nyantulypa nyinarra yirrkapiri.This man and woman are (talking) in soft voices because their son is ready to become a man.Tjingurunku kurntili yungarra nyinama kungka wituntjatjanu. Nyangka-tjingurun tjaa nyantulytju watjanma, ‘Tjuyi, kungka-tju kurri ngaangka yaaltjirringu?’ Nyangka-tjingurunta yumarilu watjalku, ‘Ngurrpangka-tjinguru ngaatja mirrka payipungkukitja yanu.’Maybe your wife’s mother could live (near you), the one who sent the girl to you. So you always speak in a soft voice, ‘Psst, I wonder where my wife has gone? She was here just a while ago.’ Then your mother-in-law might say, ‘I’m not sure. Maybe she went this way to buy food.’seenyantuly(pa)See alsotjamayitjunkuMeans the same aswangka nyantuly(pa)
tjaa parirrmankufromtjaaunintentionally say a word like the name of someone who diedTjaa parirrmara yatatjura wangkarranytjamunu. Nyangka pika-lanyaya kulilku mirrparnarriku warrkikutarrartu purinypa wangkarranytjamunungka, pamparrtjarra wangkarranyangka.He’s unintentionally saying a word like the name of someone who died because he wasn’t thinking. Then they hear him, get angry and come and swear at us because he didn’t think about what he was saying, because he spoke carelessly.Means the same astjaa piwarrmankutjaa tarrilarralku
tjaa pataly(pa)fromtjaa1dumbTjaa patalypa purtu wangkama. Maralukutju yurrirra watjanma. Kutjupatjarra palunyapirinypa pilyirrpa ngarripayi.A person who’s dumb can’t talk. He just talks by moving his hands. Some people are born like that.2inarticulate, can’t talk properlyTjilku ngaanya tjaa patalypa wangkarra yirliltutjanu.This child is not talking properly because he ate honey ants.3not given to swearing or growling at peopleTjaa patalypa warrkirranytjamunu. T̲ja̲a̲ pa̲t̲a̲l̲ypa̲ means the person doesn’t swear.Tjaa-rnatju patalypa nyinarra.I’m not going to respond by swearing.Ngarna tjiinya purtingka tjunarntjunu. Yititjunku -- tjaa patalypanyka nyinama, payiranytjamaalpa nyinama.It was only when they lived in the bush that they put babies in the smoke. They’d hold them near it -- so that the child wouldn’t swear and wouldn’t be a person who growls a lot.Means the same astjaa wawany(pa)
tjaa piwarraalkufromtjaaaccidentally say a word like the name of someone who diedManytji watjalku. Nyangka kutjupalu watjalku, ‘Tjaa piwarraara ngaalu. Tjaa piwarraantjamaaltu wanti.’If someone says a word like the name of someone who’s died others say, ‘He’s saying a word like a dead person’s name. Don’t say words like the name of someone who’s died.’
tjaa piwarrmankufromtjaaaccidentally say word like the name of someone who diedWanti. Tjaan piwarrmanu.Stop it. You’ve said a word like the name of someone who died.
tjaa tamarl(pa)fromtjaadeveloped speechTjitji ngaalu tjakultjunkupayi. Tjaa tamarlpa wangkapayi.This child always reports things. Her speech is developed.
tjaa tarrilarralkufromtjaaaccidentally say a word like the name of someone who diedWiya, ngayulu-rna tjaa tarrilarrarnu watjarnu mirri. Ngarltutjarra.Oh, I made a mistake when I said that dead person’s name. Poor thing.
tjaa tjurraly-tjurraly(pa)fromtjaafoul-mouthed person, person who uses bad languageTjaa tjurraly-tjurralytju warrkirra kartirti yirilu.The foul-mouthed person is swearing.Means the same askartirti yiri
tjaa wawany(pa)fromtjaa1dumb, unable to talkTjilku ngaanya tjaa wawanypa nyinarra.This child can’t talk.2inarticulate, can’t talk properlyTjitji tjaa wawanypa purtu wangkapayi. Kuwarripa manintirriku.This child is inarticulate and can’t talk. In a little while she’ll learn (to talk) properly.Means the same astjaa pataly(pa)
tjaa yartakafromtjaaour own languageclear speechTjaa yartakalu payiranytja walypalalu.The white man was growling at them in their own language.Means the same astjaa yutiwangka yuti
tjaa yurntulkufromtjaaidiomdisobey a command or prohibitionpush speechKutjulpirtu-ya watjalpayi, ‘Tjiinya-rna yaka-yakarnu wantingu. Nyangka pitjangu-rnin tjaa yurnturnu warningu mantjira katingu.’Long ago they used to say, ‘You know I told you not to do it. But you’ve come along and disobeyed my command and taken that thing.’See alsowangka kartarntankuMeans the same aswangka yurntulku
tjaakampafromtjaanounbush currantCanthium latifoliumeating too many of these berries makes the tongue bleedTjaakampa kurra-kurra.The bush currant is not very nice.See alsowanakarri-karriMeans the same astjirily(pa)yawalyurru
tjaakatikualsotjaatingkufromtjaaintransitive verbopen the mouth, yawnTjaakati.Open your mouth.Mimiku tjinguru tjaatingkula.Maybe (the baby) is opening her mouth for breast milk.Kunkunpa-rna tjaatingu.I yawned sleepily.See alsotjaarlurringkutjaarlurruratjaawalulku
tjaal-tjaal(pa)fromtjaalarralku1adjectivesharp, spiky, jaggedTjiinya-latju nyakupayi warlawurru purli tjaal-tjaalnguru nyinarra kukaku nyakulanyangka.We see eagles sitting on jagged-peaked mountains watching for prey.Tjilka pala ngarala tjaal-tjaalpa.That prickle bush near you is spiky.Mangka tjaal-tjaalpa.Spiky hair.See alsomarral-marral(pa)2adverb 2goading, inciting, stirringNyuntulu-tjananya tjaal-tjaaltu nyakula watjara kunpu-kunpu.You’re criticising them for nothing and goading them (to fight).See alsotjiin-tjiin(pa)
tjaalarralkuintransitive verbbecome spiky, (hair) stand on endNyangka-rna kurrurnpa wiyarringu mangkatarrartu-rni tjaalarrarnu.Then I felt terrified and my hair stood on end.See alsotjiin-tjiinarriku
tjaalarringkufromtjaaintransitive verbyawnTjaa katingu -- tjaalarringu.He opened his mouth -- he yawned.Kukunkitja tjaalarriku nyuurru-nyuurrurringkulalpi.When you’re ready to go to sleep you nod sleepily and yawn.See alsotjaakatikutjaarlurringkutjaarlurruraMeans the same astjaawalulku
tjaarlifromtjaaadverb 2with one’s mouth fullTjaarlilu tjuma watjaranytja.She was telling a story with her mouth full.Means the same asnyultjarli
tjaarli-tjaarlifromtjaaadverb 2spreading something by mouthWiya, wati ngaalu tjukurrpa tjaarli-tjaarlilu tirtu parrawatjalpayi.Oh, this man spreads stories, he’s always telling them around.Wati kakirilu mungangka yinkapayi turlku miirl-miirlpa. ‘Wati palunyanya-kulila turlku tjaarli-tjaarli parrapitjaankupayi.’A drunk man is always singing sacred songs at night. (People say,) ‘Look that man is going around spreading songs about.’
tjaarlurringkuintransitive verb1yawnNungkumununku tjaarlurringkula wirlupara ngaanya.The white woman is yawning because she’s hungry.2open one’s mouth with or without soundTjilku tirtu tjaarlurrirranyangka palunyaku ngunytjulu lirri warurringkupayi.Because the child was always making a noise with his mouth open, his mother always got angry.See alsotjaakatikutjaalarringkutjaawalulku
tjaarlutingkuintransitive verb1retch, open mouth when feeling like vomitingTjaarlutingu yulkapatjunkukitja.She retched because she was going to be sick.2open one’s mouth with or without soundTjaarlutingu raatjunu.She opened her mouth (for a bite of her brother’s meat) but missed out.See alsotjaarlurringku