waa-waalkutransitive verbconfuse someoneof a lot of talkingWangka ngaalu-rni waa-waara.All this talk is confusing me.Waa-waalku: tirtu nyinarra wangkarranytjalu kuwar-kuwarmara wangka pirnilu. W̲a̲a̲-w̲a̲a̲l̲k̲u̲: it means that all that talk is confusing him as they keep sitting there and talking.
waa-waarrpungkufromwaarrpungkuintransitive verbhurry up, do something very quicklyPurtu yarltima ngunytjulu palunyalu watjalku, ‘Waa-waarrpungkula ngalyakukurraala. Kutipitjakitja-rna ngurraku.’A mother might try to call a child and then say, ‘Hurry up and run here. I’m ready to go home.’Purinypa wangkarranytja waa-waarrpungkula wangkarranytjamaalpa. Ka-rna purtu kuliranytja.He was talking slowly, not talking quickly. But I couldn’t understand him.
waalkarralkuintransitive verbemerge, come into viewParrapitjangu-ya waalkarrarnu. Ka-pula watjarnu, ‘Maliki-ya.’They arrived and came into view. Then the two (men) said, ‘They’re strangers.’Ka-ya wati marnkurrnga ngalyawaalkarrarnu.Then the three men came into view.Tjitji murtilya-tjananya tjulyalku. Nyangka-ya nyinaku purtingka. Palunyalu-ya waalkarralku puyungka pukurtitjarra.Big boys are grabbed to be taken through to manhood. Then they stay in the bush. After that they emerge in the smoke as new young men.See alsoraapungku
waarlkanounfrost, ice particlesPirriyamaalta munga warri purlkanyangka waarlka yutirriku nyinngangka.Frost appears in wintertime on a very cold night when there’s no wind.Nyinngalu waarlka ngula yutilku.Later the cold weather will cause frost.See alsonyinnga
waarlkatjunkufromwaarlkatransitive verbform frost on someone or something, put coating of frost on someone or somethingWiya, yilkaku ngarrinytjamaaltu wanti waarlkatjunkutjakutarra.No, don’t lie outside or frost might form on you.See alsokulyarrtjunku
waalypungkutransitive verbhit someone with a wallopWaalypungu wirtapi.He hit his back with a wallop.
waarn(pa)nouna small hookYurrarnpa nyaku tiwa ngaralanyangka watjalku, ‘Waarnpa-rni kati -- warta waarntjarra.’ Ka waarntjunku kartarntanku.You might see honey dew a long way up (in a tree) and say, ‘Bring me a hook -- a stick with a hook.’ Then you hook it down and break it off.See alsonarnngungarlura
waarntjunkufromwaarn(pa)transitive verbtake hold of something with a hook, hook somethingusually nectar on high branches or the contents of a perentie’s stomachWaarntjunku ngirntaka, yurna kuurltjunku ngarrinyangka waarntjunku yilalku warniku.You hook rotten meat that a perentie has swallowed. You hook it, pull it out and throw it away.See alsotungkulpungkuwirtantjunku
waany-waany(pa)fromwaanyarralkuadverb 2wobbling, wobbly, swayingWaany-waanypa mapitjaku.You go wobbling along.Minyma nyarranya Waany-waanynga.That woman’s (nickname) is Wobbly.
waanyarralkuintransitive verblurch backWaanyarralku paalyutiku.You could lurch back and fall.
waanymankufromwaanyarralkuintransitive verbswayYayinpa puurntarra waanymaranytja.Weigh down the iron that’s swaying.Pirriyalu warta rulyupungkunyangka waanymanku.When the wind blows, the tree sways.
waarkaworknounworkWaarka-rna palyaranytja yurntalpa kutjarrangka.I was doing work with my two daughters.Means the same aswuuku
waarkarrikufromwaarkatransitive verbworkNyarra yanu waarkarrirra.He’s gone over there and is working.Kunpu-kunpulu-watjalan waarka palyara mani wiyalu? Tjingurun manikitjalu waarkarrima.Do you mean to say that you’re doing that work for nothing, for no money? You should work for money.Means the same aswuukumanku
waarr-waarr(pa)fromwaarrpungkuadverb 2quicklyWaarr-waarrpa pakala. Nyangka-la kutipitja.Hurry up and get up. Then we can go.See alsowala
waarra1adjectiveuprightKartarntarra kati palanya waarrangkatja, warta waarrangkatja.Break a branch off and bring it from the upright one, the upright tree.Warta waarra ngarala.The tree is upright.2adverb 2in motion, on the way, without stoppingWati nyarranya waarra pitjayirni.That man is walking towards me.Marlu-rna kulturnu waarra pitjanyangka.I speared the kangaroo while it was coming along.Waarralurtu-rna mantjirnu.I got (the paper) as I passed by.Nyangka kuka-tjanampa waarralurtu katingu nintirnu.Then on his way he took meat and gave it to them.
waarra-waarrafromwaarratime adverbready to go, at the last minuteWaarra-waarrakutju-rnin pitjala nyakula. Ngaanya-rna kutipitjakitja ngarala.You’re only coming to see me when I’m ready to go. I’m standing here ready to go.Waarra-waarra-yanku nyinangu kulturnu. Tjinguru-yanku kutjulpirtu pika wakanma. Ngaanya-ya waarra-waarrakutju pikarringkula.They stayed and fought each other when they were ready to go. They should’ve fought before. But it’s only now that they’re ready to go that they’re fighting.
waarrarringkufromwaarraintransitive verbbecome ready to goKaturringu waarrarringu ngaralanytja.She got up, got ready to go and was waiting there.Yalatjaku waarrarringkula parrawirrtjarayirni.After getting ready for a trip he’s going around passing the time away.Yankukitjalu kalikinku. Ka yaanarriku yalatjaku waarrarringkula ngara-ngarama.Someone might roll up his swag when he’s ready to go (on a trip). Then someone else gets ready for the trip, keeps waiting around and goes with him.
waarrkampakuintransitive verbburn quickly and become short piecesof large pieces of firewoodTjinguru warta katiku kartatjunku. Nyangka kamparra-wanalku waarrkampaku. Nyangka ngalyanyuyupungkulalpi kutjungkanku waru tirtu kamparratjaku.If you bring a dead tree and light a fire in the middle of it, then it’ll burn along and quickly burn down to short pieces. Then you bring the pieces together so that the fire will keep on burning.Waru nyarranya mantjiralpi kiti-kitila waarrkamparra wiyarritjakutarra.Get that piece of firewood and put it to the side so that it won’t burn right up.Warta yurltu-yurltu warulu waarrkampangu wiyarnu.The wood was a bit hollow and the fire quickly burned it right up.
waarrkualsowaarrku-waarrku1adjectivethe sameMutuka kutjarra-pula tarrarra pitjalayintja waarrku.The two cars were moving quickly at the same speed.Waarrku-ya parrapitjayirni. Ngarlpurringkupayi.People with the same (interests) are going about (together). They all gamble.Papa-ya ngaanya waarrku-waarrku pirni ngarrirra.All these dogs lying here are almost exactly alike.2adverb 2at the same timeTjilku ngalungkura-pula -- waarrku ngaarnmankutja.Those two children are agemates -- they were born at the same time.Waarrku-pulan wangkarra.You’re both talking at the same time (and not listening to each other).Waarrku-waarrku-ya wangkarra.They’re all talking at once.sounds likewarrku
-waarrkufromwaarrkuendingfellowMaruwaarrkulu-yanku pungama.Fellow Aboriginal people fight each other.Mapitja-yanku nganatarrkawaarrkulu wakanma.Go and spear among those of your own generation level.
waarrpungkuintransitive verbhurry up, quicklyPitja ngurraku waarrpuwa.Come home quickly.Tjilku ngaalu-rni kurrara kanyira waarrpungkula-rna kuka tjawara tjulyaltjaku.This child is preventing me from quickly digging and getting meat.
waarrtungkuintransitive verbglow white, be shiny cleanWati ngaalu tjaarnpa pirntalpa tjarrpatjunu. Palunyatjanulu waarrtungkula nyinarra.This man put on a white shirt. That’s why he’s sitting there glowing white.Tjitji ngaanya-rnatju parltjirnu. Nyangka yiiku waarrtungkula.I washed this child of mine. So his face is shiny clean.See alsopirntaltungku
waarrtjartuadjective, adverb 1fastusually of speechWaarrtjartu-la yinka.Let’s sing fast.Kutjupatjarranya-ya wangka waarrtjartu. Nyangka kutjupatjarranya-ya wangka yungarra wangkapayi. Ka-ya kutjupatjarranya wangka tjaka-tjaka.Some people’s speech is fast. But other people’s speech is normal speed, and others’ speech is slow.
waarrtjunkutransitive verbuse up firewood by putting it all on at once or in quick successionNyuyupungu ngantjiralpi waarrtjunu.You’ve joined the logs together, warmed yourselves and used up the firewood.Ayi, waru-tjuyan pitjangu waarrtjunu wiyarnu.Hey, you’ve come and used up all my firewood.