This dictionary is the first attempt at a true dictionary of Ngaanyatjarra and Ngaatjatjarra. It seeks to set out the range of meanings and uses that a word may have, as well as to provide grammatical information and examples of usage.
Although we and the Ngaanyatjarra and Ngaatjatjarra speakers who have worked with us have laboured over many years to produce this dictionary, we are very much aware that it doesn’t contain all the words in the language. As time goes on, we and others will find errors, additional words and additional senses and usages of the words that are included.
All the words that appear in the dictionary have been checked with a number of people to make sure that they are correct and that they are appropriate for inclusion in this dictionary. Those that were not thought to be suitable have not been included. Words relating to ceremonial matters which have been included have been checked with mature men who consider them to be in the public domain.
All the example sentences come from Ngaanyatjarra and Ngaatjatjarra speakers. Some came from our linguistic field notes and tape recordings which we began collecting during the late sixties. Other sentences were written or composed by speakers in order to explain words to us and our colleague, Herbert Howell. This process was pursued intensely during the years 1996-2000.
We are extremely grateful to the large number of people who have helped in a wide variety of ways. These are acknowledged in the next section. We also wish to thank the staff at IAD Press.
This dictionary has been eagerly awaited by the Ngaanyatjarra and Ngaatjatjarra people and those with an interest in their language. We hope it will contribute to the strength of the language and the pride of the Ngaanyatjarra and Ngaatjatjarra people.
Amee Glass & Dorothy Hackett
March 2003