

General documents:

Anderson, Stephen C. 1976a. A Phonology of Ngyemboon-Bamileke. Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1976b. Ngyembɔɔn Orthography. Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1978. Mapping and Tone Rules in Ngyembɔɔn-Bamileke. Los Angeles: University of Southern California.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1980a. The Noun Classes of Ngyembɔɔn-Bamileke, in Larry M. Hyman (ed.), Noun Classes in the Grassfields Bantu Borderland, Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics, Volume 8, Los Angeles: University of Southern California, pp. 37-56.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1980b. Lexique Français-Ngyembɔɔn (French-Ngyemboon Lexicon). Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1980c. Tense/Aspect in Ngyembɔɔn-Bemileke. Paper presented at the 14th annual W.A.L.S. Conference in Cotonou, Benin.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1981. An Autosegmental Account of Bamileke-Dschang Tonology. Journal of Linguistic Research, 1(4):74-94. Indiana University Linguistics Club.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1982. From Semivowels to Aspiration to Long Consonants in Ngyembɔɔn-Bamileke. Journal of West African Languages, 12(2):58-68.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1983. Tone and Morpheme Rules in Ngyemboon-Bamileke. Doctoral Dissertation: University of Southern California.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1985. Animate and Inanimate Pronominal Systems in Ngyembɔɔn-Bamileke. Journal of West African Languages, 15(2):61-74.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1987. Orthography Statement – Ngyembɔɔn language. Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. 2001. Phonological Characteristics of Eastern Grassfields Languages. In Nguessimo M. Mutaka and Sammy B. Chumbow, ed. Research Mate in African Linguistics: Focus on Cameroon, 33-54. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.

Anderson, Stephen C. 2007, révisé 2014a. Précis d’orthographe pour la langue ngiemboon (Orthographic details for the Ngiemboon language). Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. 2008, revised 2014b. Phonological Sketch of Ngiemboon. Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Blench, Roger and Marieke Martin. (2014, en préparation). Ngiemboon verbal extensions: a new analysis.

Bird, Steven and Maurice TADADJEU (eds.). 1997. Petit dictionnaire yémba-français (Small Yemba-French Dictionary). Yaoundé: NACALCO.

Handbook of the International Phonetics Association: a Guide to the Use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. 1999. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Hyman, Larry M. and Maurice TADADJEU. 1976. Floating tones in Mbam-Nkam. In Larry M. Hyman, ed. Studies in Bantu Tonology. Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics (SCOPIL), Volume 3:57-111. Los Angeles: University of Southern California.

Hyman, Larry M. (ed.) 1980. Noun classes in the Grassfields Bantu borderland, Southern California Occasional Papers in Linguistics, Volume 8. Los Angeles: University of Southern California.

Lewis, M. Paul, Gary F. Simons, and Charles D. Fennig (eds.). 2013. Ethnologue: Languages of the World, Seventeenth edition. Dallas, Texas: SIL International. Online version:

LONFO, Etienne. 2003. Grammaire orthographique ngiemboon (Orthographic grammar of Ngiemboon). (manuscrit non-publié, 28 pp.).

Mba, Gabriel & Prosper Djiafeua. 2003. Les extensions verbales en Ngiembɔɔn (Verbal extensions in Ngiemboon). In: Idiata, D.F. & G. Mba eds. 2003. Studies on voice through verbal extensions in nine Bantu languages spoken in Cameroon, Gabon, DRC and Rwanda. 113-166. München: Lincom Europa.

Mutaka, Ngessimo M. and Chumbow, Sammy B. 2001. (eds.) Research Mate in African Linguistics: Focus on Cameroun. Köln: Rüdiger Köppe Verlag.

NDIOLA TSUATA, Laurence. 2008. La syntaxe du ŋ́gjɛ̃̀mbɔ̃̀ɔ̃̀ŋ: Étude fonctionnelle des types de questions (The syntax of Ngiemboon: a functional study of the types of questions found in Ngiemboon). Mémoire du diplôme du D.E.A. Yaoundé: Université de Yaounde I.

NGOUANE TAMENKEM, Michel A. 1979. La rélation de l’homme ngyemba avec Dieu (Sse) (The relationship of a Ngyemba person with God). Dissertation présentée sur la philosophie de religion, Bambui, Cameroon: Regional Major Seminary.

NGOUANE, Michel. 1976. Idiomes en Ngyembɔɔn (Idioms in Ngiemboon). Yaoundé: SIL Cameroun. ms.

NJOYA, Ibirahim. 2007. Identificational vs. Informational Focus in Makaa and Ngiemboon: Interaction between Syntax and Semantics. MA thesis. Yaounde: University of Yaounde I.

Roberts, James. 2002. Élaboration d’un dictionnaire (How to create a dictionary). (manuscrit non-publié).

SA’A TANGWA, Elvis, Martin TATIODJIO and Zacharie SAHO. 2008. Royauté guerrière et féodalité démocratique bamiléké: la prospective Batcham. Mbouda, Cameroun (Royalty, war, and democratic bamileke feudalism: the Batcham prospective): Knowledge for all (KRA).

TADADJEU, Maurice and SADEMBOUO, Etienne (éds.). 1979. Alphabet Général des Langues Camerounaises (National alphabet of Cameroonian languages). PROPELCA 1. Yaoundé: Université de Yaoundé.

TADADJEU, Maurice. 1974. Floating tones, shifting rules, and downstep in Dschang-Bamileke. Studies in African Linguistics, Supplement 5:282-290.

TANTANT, Robert. 2000. Les classes nominales ngiemboon (traduction en français de Anderson, 1980) Nominal classes in Ngiemboon. (manuscrit non-publié).

Voorhoeve, Jan. 1971. Tonology of the Bamileke noun. Journal of African Languages. 10:44-53.

Documents in Ngiemboon:

Anderson, Stephen C.. 1976 and 1982. Manuel pour lire et écrire la langue ngyembɔɔn (Manual for reading and writing the Ngiemboon language). Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1977 and 1982. Esag-legya Ngyembɔɔn (Proverbes ngyembɔɔn, Ngiemboon proverbs). Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1984. Mères saines et enfants heureux (Healthy mothers and happy children). Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. 1986. Contes ngyembɔɔn (Ngiemboon folktales). Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. and Juliette H. Anderson. 1987a. Pége zíʼí létoŋ ngyembɔɔn: 1 (Apprenons à lire et en langue ngyembɔɔn: Tome 1, Learn to read in the Ngiemboon language, Volume 1). Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anderson, Stephen C. and Juliette H. Anderson. 1987b. Pége zíʼí létoŋ ngyembɔɔn: 2 (Apprenons à lire et en langue ngyembɔɔn: Tome 2, Learn to read in the Ngiemboon language: Volume 2). Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

Anò Káŋndè ŋwà’ne ngàŋa sekúd (Histoire de Kande: HIV/SIDA, The history of Kande). 2007. CABTAL.

Bulletin d'information en langue ngiemboon, No 1 à 5. 1998. Yaoundé, Cameroun: CLN-CABTAL.

Evangile de Luc en langue ngiemboon (Gospel of Luke in the Ngiemboon language). 2000. Yaoundé, Cameroun: CABTAL.

Evangile de Marc en langue ngiemboon (Gospel of Mark in the Ngiemboon language). 1999. Yaoundé, Cameroun: CABTAL.

Evangile de Matthieu en langue ngiemboon (Gospel of Matthew in the Ngiemboon language. 2002. Yaoundé, Cameroun: CABTAL.

Jesus film in Ngiemboon (Film Jesus en langue Ngiemboon). 2003. Campus pour Christ, Cameroun.

Jag, I-II Piɛ (Jacques et I-II Pierre en language ngyembɔɔn, James and I and II Peter in the Ngiemboon language). 1984. Yaoundé, Cameroun: Comité de traduction biblique en langue ngyembɔɔn.

Kantig ngiembɔɔn (chants protestants, Protestant songs). 1998. Yaoundé, Cameroun: CABTAL.

KENNE, FOUAFANG David. 1981. Menyɔg Ŋwaʼne Ngyembɔɔn (L’alphabet ngyemboon) (The Ngiemboon alphabet). Bamboutos, Cameroun.

Kʉ̀a Sẅé (Le Nouveau Testament en langue ngiemboon, The New Testament in the Ngiemboon language). 2007. Yaoundé, Cameroun: Alliance Biblique du Cameroun.

Lesẅɛ̀ nŋwa’ Kamalûm (Apiculture au Cameroun) (Beekeeping in Cameroon). 2005. CABTAL.

LONFO, Etienne. 1999. Le paresseux et le marabout (The lazy people and the Marabou). Mbouda, Cameroun, Etienne Lonfo.

LONFO, Etienne. 1999. Recueil des poèmes (A collection of poems). (manuscrit non-publié).

Mezɔbɔ Ntse Pʉ̀a Kristo (chants protestants) (Protestant songs). 2002 and 2005. Yaoundé, Cameroun: CABTAL.

NGONDA, Frédéric. 1976. Shwoŋe Ngyembɔɔn: Kwa lyuʼu, Puʼkwɔb, Saglegyua (Ngiemboon riddles, legends, and proverbs). Yaoundé, Cameroun: SIL.

NGOUANE, Michel, YATABON Albert, SAHATSOP Isidore (eds.). 1981. Azɔbɔ-ntse puɔ Sse ne shwoŋe ngyembɔɔn (Chants catholiques en langue ngyembɔɔn. Catholic songs in the Ngiemboon language). Batcham: Mission Catholique de Bangang.

Ŋwaʼne Sẅi ŋte (Prières eucharistiques, II, III et IV) (Eucharistic prayers). 1981. Mbouda, Cameroun: Diocesse de Bafoussam.

Nzɔb-ntse ngyembɔɔn (Chants de la langue ngyembɔɔn, protestants, Protestant songs in the Ngiemboon language). 1980.

SANDUO, Lazare, DONFACK Jean, YONTA Moïse, TCHOUBOU Emmanuel. 2005. Chants des enfants de Christ (protestant), Protestant songs for Christ’s children. Yaoundé, Cameroun: CABTAL.

Wɔɔn aa pá’ ńgwɔ́ ɔ̀ lá’ ńkwé á gwɔ́! (Le film de votre vie, The film of your life.). Traduit par CABTAL. 2007. Chick Publications, USA.