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ratxo2ratʃo, tʃotel.telic aspect, action sudden and (punctual) accomplishedaspecto télico, (completo)ipa ɨthak ya hãnɨ rayo-kɨreI cut here my hand with knife, my hand here (cut the pouch time now)
ratxomara-tʃo-mav-posbecome, became (change of state, telic and completive aspect)tornar-se, tornou-se
raxaknpeach palm fruit sp.pupunha, fruto da pupunheira, palma1.5.5Parts of a plant
raxaktxaireonpeach palm real, sp. bigpupunha verdadeira sp.
raxakwakeinppeach palm fruit, red, small sp.pupunha pequena vermelha sp.1.5.5Parts of a plant
raxakwakrixixiiraʃak-wakriʃiʃiiraʃak, rasaknpeach palm fruit sp. red typepupunha vermelhaGasipae1.5.5Parts of a plant
raxasiraʃɑsinpeach palm spiny treepupunheira1.5.1Tree
raxikarakeweiraʃika-ra-kewei, raʃik-ra-keweiinf. nom.convulse, shake, convulsing, shakingagitando, sacudirHekɨran wãro hikari raxikrakewei, hayo hakɨre.the evil spirit shaking the man too much, went out.
raxikaweiraʃ-ka-wii, raxi-ka-weiVi/Vtagitate, to shake, to exciteagitar, sacudir, tremer
ray thathakcfmãxtë moxokoramsikpesnrope (to hang hammock)corda (para rede)
raytathacfõramtaanrope of fibercorda de fibraraytathakëUnspec.nropes
1deadj.Vstop, finishparar, terminarantxoni
2ivwake up, reverse actionacordar-se
41negreverse action, notnãowa-t pihi-kɨ rã ha?You don't believe that?2negativenegativo
rãa1rããvtwake upacordar
rãa2rããvtfinish, to endterminar, fimantxire
rãa3rã-ãnegnot, negative, do not (Neg. for position verbs)não, negativo para verbos de posicɑ̃opiri pɨk txai hɨ̃xmiri-rayom ih, pɨk temɨ kõo rãathe body of once dead people does not return to live.
rãaɨrãã-ɨ (Alb)put onpôr-se
rãakairãa-kaiivto be sick, negative feelings, feeling badestar doente, estar mal, sentimentos negativospemi, ya rãakai pemia.No, I'm not sick.synrãamoɨ
rãamaɨ1vtexclude, excludingexcluir, excluindo
rãamaɨ2Vi/Vtconclude, or to terminate s.t.finalizar algo
rãamo pexmorã?ãmo pexmõ-uV.ph.getting sick, illadoecendo, chegando a doença