Browse Ninam


ha2while (at the same time)enquanto (ao mesmo tempo)
-ha1-havsfxfor, purposive, topara, pra, ape-hɨrɨp-e naka-ɨ-hato call his son ... the hammock is to dry in the sunpremxĩ-ha nakamthokë wehe-ma-ɨ-ha
-ha2-ha, -h, -hənsfxlocativena, em, no, da, locativoyãno-haa time inside the house (lit. how long inside)haperi thëm-ha
ha..nɨcfxand thenem seguida
haariroha?ariroadjhomesick, lonely, sadsaudade de csa, solitario, triste3.4.2.1Sad
haarɨsmoɨhaarɨ-si-mo-ɨ, haarɨs-mo-ɨivsneeze, expel, squirt, ejectespirrar, expelir
haarɨsmoweiha?arɨs-mo-weiinf. nom.blow your nose, to blow your noseassoar o naris
haaroha?aro, ha-aroadjwidelargoparɨk ha-arowide chestanttahɨ1
haateiha?atei, ha-atiadvquick, fast, soon, right awayrápido, depresa, logowa ha?atei.goes soonwa ha-ate hɨrɨ.get out now fasthëmë ha?at kix.get out now fasttxarɨmox haat txorɨx.Let's bathe together
haatiha?ati, haati-keadvquickly, soonrápidoxama hɨ̃xra haati-kem õh? pa hɨ̃xra haatike hakën.The tapir died fast? died fast, really.
haatxahaatʃanDeer sp.veado-mateiro, Mazama americanaMazama americana
hahënapihimohahəna-pihimo nhaëna plant sp.hahëna planta sp. A raiz cozida é comestivel
haikia1hajkia, raikia (E 1960)cfëëadvaffirmative, yes, certainly, indeed, sure, OKafirmativo, sim, certo, positivotxa-t tapo-ɨ haikia.I know that yes.haikia, ɨ̃hɨ wa-t tha-ke-i.Yes, do that.thë nini haikia. rãamoɨ haikia.It still hurts, I'm still sick.pemi, wa tha-p xiha.No, don't do it.
haikia2alright, alreadytudo bem, já
haikiohaiki-oadvself affirmative, yes reflexive, still meafirmativo reflexivo, ainda eu mesmo, sim eunini haikio ha?Are you still hurt yourself?
haithai-t, hai-tənpleft side, left handlado esquerdo
haitɨ̃thahai-t ɨ̃thə, ait ɨ̃thənleft handmão esquerdapiri ɨ̃thakhandsopptemɨtpoko
haɨ1haɨivbe born, come outnascer, nascendo, saindo
haɨ2ha-ɨ, aa-ɨivcoming in or going out, move, actionsaindo ou entrando, mover, agirKori-n xakao-ek ha-te-rɨ-n ha-ratxoma.Kori took the arrows and left.comp.mɨapɨkhaɨ
haɨaha-ɨa, ha-ɨə (stress on [ɨ])advnow, at this time (quick)agora, agora mesmo, játxat hɨpɨa haɨa rã-ithë.I'm not going to give it to you right now.
haɨaweihaɨ-a-weinfeast, party, nowfesta agora (de comida e bebidas)
haɨohaɨov ref.hurry, fast, (anaphoric)rápido, mover-se, apressar-se