Browse Ninam


ra1raivlie down (root) put s.t. on the floor, spread outdeitar-se, por algo no chão
ra2do (as aux.)fazer
-rarav > vtsfxderivative verb suffix, verbalizersufixo verbal derivativo, verbalizadornia-ɨ; xama nia-ra-ɨ; nia-weihe is shooting; (he) is killing the tapir (with arrows); arrowedtxa-n-taa-ɨ; txa thẽn-taa-ra-ɨI am seeing; I'm looking over there
raa1ra-a, rã-avtcover, closecobrir, fechar the ground, to be on the floor, position verbestar no chão, verbo de posiçãokaritasip raaThe papers are on the floorpatapo amiha raa hõwathe axe is there on the ground again.
raa3ivstay lying downficar deitadororo raa, pata raa mɨhetɨaThe otter is lying down, the old man is lying down too.
rahakanabamboo large sp., large bambootaboca gigante sp.
rahamirahamicfritxëadvfar, longlonge, compridopa-t rahamiis far awayanthɨ̃kɨrɨhɨa2
rahesikarahesika, raheskalocon top of, place on a flat toppor acima de algo plano
rahɨmarahɨmaivto arguediscutir
rahɨrahɨmorahɨrahɨmoivgoing with long stepsandar com passo largo
rahosp. var.koheivfold, benddobrar
rahokarahokancatfish sp.cascudo1.6.1.5Fish
rahokpɨrɨpethairahokë, rahoknfish sp. smallpeixe sp. pequeno1.6.1.5Fish
rahomarahomavtto folddobrar
rahowavtcover, to covercobrirherahowa-ɨ
rahowamov ref.cover self, to cover oneselfcobrir-se
raikia1hajkiasure, yes, okaycerto, já
raikia2raikia, haikiaindeed, yescom certeza, sim, afirmativo
raikocfnɨpëriblinded, dizzycego, tontomam hɨs raikondizzy eyes
raɨirreg. infl. ofraɨa