Browse Ninam


-p1pnsfxgenitive, ofgenitivo, de, do
-p2pnsfxPlural marker for liquids, fluids and some collective nouns (further research needed)plural (líquidos, fluídos e sustantivos coletivos)Okoro yarop yarami.There are a lot of dogs. it rains, it rains waters, milks, blood, animal, animals; woman's milk (casual talk) too much cow's milkmaa, maa-ɨ, maa-ɨ-p; ma-ɨ-pë, tɨɨp; ĩtxe, ĩtxëp; txaro, txaroprain, rain, rains, thɨwë-ɨ; thɨ-ɨp; paka-ɨp-yarami
-p3sfxour, your, their (pers. pro. + suffix)nosso, seu, sua
-p4pvfuture prospectivefuturo prospecto
-p5pv-possfxfuture prospectivefuturo prospectivopa hɨpë, kaman pa-t thap wa thõmamo-p xiha; wa hõremoma-p xiha; ai-ha wa mɨrama-p xiha.You won't steal, you won't lie, you won't defraud anyone.haperi-ham wa hɨ-pëWhere are you going to go? Where are you going?haperi-ha wa paka tia-pëWhere are you going to dig a hole?kama ia-pëhe'll eat (now)
-p6punspec. var.-pë2cf-pë1nsfxpossessive suffix (for kinship terms possessed by 3rd. pers. pro.possessivoyãro; yãrop; yãroho; yãrope; yãrotxëspouse; spouse (poss.); your spouse; her spouse; my spouse
pacfpatprohe, she, itele, ela
pa pihnih wãriapa pih nih wã is worriedele está
pa pɨkpa-pɨknphis peoplepessoal dele
pa watideadj.Vcold, it is coldestá frio8.3.4.1Cold
paapaa, pa?an.traíra, peixe esp.Erythrinidae1.6.1.5Fish
paahepaaheround (of head)parte redonda que circunda a cabeça.pereh paaheround head
paahenaknleaf used to rub the fishing line to catch the 'paa' fishfolhas, usada para esfregar a linha para pescar traíra1.6.1.5Fish
paanapa?ana, paanak (plu)nbig fishhookanzol grande1.6.1.5Fish
paanathanfishing line strong, to fish trairalinha para pescar traira1.6.1.5Fish
paaresubstitute, to be in place for, to substitutesubstituir alguem por alguemwa paarereireplace ittxa pɨk paareeanI stay to replace themIron txee paareremaIro replaced me; Iro was in my placekama txa paareremaI've been naked your place
paaremotimnsubstitute, replacementsubstitutopaaremotim hatxirɨ-ɨvemka substitute
paaripaarinwild turkey, curassow sp.mutumCrasidae
turkeypaariwild turkey, curassow sp.
paarisimsihinpwood used for peripheral postsmadeira usada para fazer postes periféricos
paaritxawɨkpa?ari-tʃawɨk, paari-tʃawëknplantain, bananabanana comprida, banana-da-terra
paarɨpopaarɨpovtcompany, to accompany, to go withacompanhar
pah pahomanfrog speciesespécie de sapo
pahathopahatho, pahtho (casual)vtsplit (root) firewood (with an axe)partir em dois (lenha, pau)haperinaha tharɨk wamak pahatho tharaɨ?how do you crack wood stick?synpahati
pahathoaɨpahatho-a-ɨvtsplitting, chopping, cuttingrachar, partir, cortar
pahathoraɨpahatho-ra-ɨvtsplitting firewood, chopping (on ground)rachar lenha, partir, cortar (no chão)