
kɩtɩkɪtɪʔ pl.akɩtɩnlizardKɩtɩ amʋ lɔdʋ si andɔ amʋ. The lizard climbed and got away from the cat.
kɩtɩblʋnkɪtɪblʊ̃pl.akɩtɩblʋnngeckoInfraorder: Gekkota1.
lata1lata(L)pl.alatanSavannah monitor lizardVaranus exanthematicus1.
ogbonog͡bõʔpl.ngbonnred headed agama lizardagama agamaTɛplɛ onun nfɔ a, Ogbon lahɔ nwun pɛ.The innocent get blamed for the work of the guilty.Cockroach drinks the (red) oil, but red headed lizard gets the red head.
ologyoolóʤó Spl.nlogyocfɔkɔmfɔbowuochameleonnchameleonChamaeleo senegalensis1.
ɔblakɩtɩɔblákɪtɪpl.mblakɩtɩnwall gecko; tropical house gecko?Hemidactylus mabouiaKebi amʋ lamɔ ɔblakɩtɩ amʋʋ ɔpan buntiisʋ amʋ.The child has killed the wall gecko which was on the wall.
ɔkɔmfɔbowuoɔkɔɱfɔbowuo(H)Npl.nkɔmfɔbowuoFrom:Akanɔkɔmfɔ́ bowuo'fetish priest will die' cfologyochameleonnchameleonChamaeleo senegalensisƆkɔmfɔbowuo tɛnatɩ pʋtɔɔ fɛ owie.A chameleon walks slowly like a chief.