baa210 benge - the regular daily wage for harvesting.Sinbaa et kedeng nan binayona.He pounded 10 bundles only. ricecfdaan2
baa3Servant, mabaa one who is obedient. v. -en To send. i- To send, to tell to do something.Ibaam ta iyeyna nan solatmo.Send him to bring your letter to someone.Ninpabab-aa siya id Hongkong.He had been a servant in Hongkong.3.5.1Say4.5.4.4Slave
baag1Cloth worn during menstruationMenbabaag nan babai no menligla.A woman wears a napkin when she menstruates.2.2Body functions
baag2To tell somethingIbaabaagna kano nan inikkanyo.He will spread the word to many what you did.3.5.1Say
baakVery old, of objects.Binmaak nan botilas.The beans became old and stale., flimsy
baanganFields near the villageWadada isnan baangan.They are in the fields.6.2.9Farmland
baat1To go somewhere, usually to find work.Menbaatda id Manila ta enda men-anap is obla.They are going to Manila to find work.6.9.2Work for someonecfsipi
baat2Banana.Kabaabaat nan lako id malkit.Plenty of bananas is sold at the market.
babassangMaiden.Daida ay babbabassang nan mensala abes.They the maiden will dance also.2Person
babawiRegret, mourn.Adika menbabawi no epdas naikkan.Do not regret if is already done.3.4.2Feel bad
babayasA wedding, the celebration of the establishment of a new household celebrated when the families of a couple prepare a house for them.Omeyda makibabayas id Baguio.They are going to attend the babayas in Baguio.
babbey1Settlement area. Village.Awni ta omey ta isnan babbey satapay makiinom is danom. We will wait until we are in the village before we will ask for a drink. that are adjacent to the village.Ta malpas od nan ani isnan babbey satako pay gedan omey isnan ilit.When we are finished harvesting in the ricefield near the village, that will be the time that we will go to the fields that are far. fieldcfilipayew
babedA bundles.Binabedana nan pagey ay inanida.He bundled the palay which they harvested.7.5.4Tie