Search results for "Move down"

abbobowaYoung pitcher plant.Nadadanoman nan abbobowa.The pitcher plant has water in it. that grow on mountains
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abbongaUpper, outer buttocks.2.1.2Torso
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abemen- To weave cloth, using a back strap loom.Men-abeda ay winakgat tay siyan oblada.They weave everyday because it is their work. clothcfinabe
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abebBeetle, edible, larger than the ab-abeng.No omodan dat maegew isnan masdem et mangabebda.If it rains then it clears in the evening they will go get beetles.
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abekSleeping mat, whatever is put down to sleep on. (Sag) Iyaplagmo nan abek sakapay maseyep.Spread the sleeping mat before you sleep.
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abesunspec. var.es1Also.Sik-a nan omey abes.You go also., alsocfes2
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abetTo meet someone or somethingMen-ab-abet nan kalogalogan isnan kalsa.Cars are always meeting on the road.7.2.3Move toward something
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abigThe many beliefs about anitos and other forces that restrict what people can do.Menlelemet siya isonga menabig.She is in mourning therefore she has restrictions.4.9.2Supernatural being
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abiikOne's namesake.Sinabiikda ay dowa.They two have the same name.4.9.2Supernatural being
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abisBamboo noise maker to scare away rice birds.6.2Agriculture
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abitoOvercoat.Ninaabito ay omey mendad-aan.He wore an overcoat when he went walking.5.3Clothing
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ablat-an A whip.Inablatanda sak-en is pao.They whipped me with a stick7.7.1Hit
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abledA welt, from something hitting the skin.Inmabled nan inablatanda isnan obetko.My bottom swelled from their whipping. disease
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abloWild, of animals or people. -om- To run away from home.Inmablo si innodik tay nasaplit.My younger sibling ran away because he was whipped.1.6.4Animal actions
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abo1Ashes.Inmabo nan lopot ay indodododolina.The cloth he kept for a long time became abo.5.5.5What fires produce
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abo3-en To chase away by shouting, throwing something or running after.Abogem nan manok.Chase away the chicken.7.2.6Pursuecfabog1
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abobowaBeetle, red, edible.
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abocadoAvocado. Leaves boiled for diarrhea. trees2.5.7.3Medicinal plants
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abodFertile soil.synobodBog., dirt
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abog1Stick used to chase something.Alaem nan palaabog ta abogem nan manok.Get the stick for chasing and chase away the chicken.7.2.6Pursuecfabo3
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abog2i- To tell more than one person to do something together, as to hunt for somethingInyabogna daida ta omeyda anapen nan naamas ay baka.He caused them to go hunt fdor the lost cow.3.5.1Say
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abogadoLawyer, to defend someone in a case.Inabogadowana siya isonga nangabak.He defended him so he won.4.1Relationships
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