Search results for "North, south, east, west"

alikamenPossessions.Ado nan alikamenda.They have plenty of possessions., property
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alilawunspec. var.lilaw1lilo1-en To deceive, confuse, trick.Inalilaw nan men-ilaklako daida isonga asiasi nan linakowanda.The seller tricked them and what they bought is poor quality.
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alimaangunspec. var.alimaongCivet cat, forest cat.Kaykayat nan alimaong ay mangkakkakan nan kape.The civet cat loves to eat coffee beans.
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alimaongunspec. var. ofalimaang
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alimengmengMore serious than talimodaw.Isnan nangsogtowanda ken siya et naalimengmeng.When they boxed him he saw stars. consciousness
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alindanomWood that is hard to dry.5.5.6Fuel
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alinsadokHiccough.Kanayon ay men-alinsadok nan engnga kano tay mensiksiken.It is said that a baby hiccoughs frequently because he is still growing.2.2.1Breathe, breath
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alin-ewShadow.No dakkel nan bowan et maila nan alin-ewna.When the moon is big one can see one's shadow.1.1.1Suncfaminew
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alingasangasSmall, like flying ants, liyek, that has no wings, similar to botbotogan, but red.
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alipitTo hold something as an ipit does, as a hair clip, hold something between one's knees.Bog. of the handcfipit
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aliposposCowlick on the body.Dowa nan aliposposna.He has two cowlicks.2.1.5Hair
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alis1-en To transfer from one thing to another, as for sickness to be "caught", color to run, to move belongings to another place.Isnan nin-alisanda et naalisan nan badona tay naoope isnan nangipay-ana isnan bag.When they transfered, his clothes was colored by the other clothes because it was wet when he put it in the bag.7.3Move something
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alis2na--an Miscarriage, of humans.Maid anakda tay nalakay maalisan.They don't have children because she easily miscarry.Ilo.2.6.3Birthcfbayak
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alistoQuickly.Naalisto siya ay menemnem.He is quick to think.8.4.8Speed
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alitanA string for wooden spinning toy top.Ap-aptik nan alitan nan bawet ko.The string for my top is short., string
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alitaoUncle.Siya nan alitaona.He is his uncle.4.1.9Kinship
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alitongtongna- Blister caused by heat or sunburn.Naalitongtong nan ledengna tay naatongan.His hands blistered due to burn. diseasecflotoltong
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alitosEarring.Nin-alitos isnan inmeyna nakimisaan.He had on an earring when he went to mass.5.4.1Jewelry
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alkilaunspec. var.arkila1To hire a vehicle.Alkilaena nan logan ta osalen tako ay omey menmalkit.He will hire a vehicle so we will use it to go and market.Kaat nan alkilan nan logan engganad Sagada?How much is the payment for a jeep hire to Sagada?
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alkosDecoration, style.Alkosana nan logana ta osalen nan men-kasal.He decorates his car so the wedded couple will use it.5.3Clothing
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allaunspec. var. ofallawExclamation after defeat or worry.
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allalaeySwollen gland in armpit or groin from infection in arm or leg.Naalalaeyan nan lepyakna.His groin has a swollen gland.2.5Healthy
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allalatipSmall black centipede, said to enter the ear.
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