kuluvcarry something on the head supported with a bark strap across head; carrying something on the back. 2, an eel like sea fish, growing to about 1.3 meters, or 4 ft.; not considered very good for eating.Ipekulu mu daken ambung eset ulu ku in.Would you please put the basket across my head.Atin pesuku' neng pinekulu daken. Elula' ku ne ba' diki ku ituldu' ating Menunang Abar!That is the duty given to me. Pity me if I do not teach the Good News!megkulu = to carry through back.; kumulu = someone is carrying a bag at the back; pegkuluen = carrying something at the back.; ipekulu = to ask someone putting basket at the back.; nekulu = have been carried away.synbibibitbikiatbikiatbikiatenbinikiyatbitbitipetenggulkepetkepetpesanpesan

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