PSL*ohaʔhail to people in a houseuhaʔhail to houseYKoaʔ ~hoaʔhail to houseCSoaʔhail to houseSSuwaʔhail to houseTsg
PSL*okoʔ-okoʔsea urchin cooked with rice inside whole shellokoʔ-okoʔsea urchin, cookedYKNSWSCSSS
PSL*olaŋ1fr. var.olaŋanspace betweenoaŋ-oaŋalternating on and offoaŋ daŋəllawevery other dayWSholaŋanspaced intervalNSolaŋanspace betweenCSSSoaŋ ~oaŋanspace betweenJMsəllaŋanspace betweenutlaŋseparatedTsg
PSB*oreʔyonderbutueʔ (buət-ureʔ)todayZB.1uriʔyonderpurigo theremənurikfrom thereNBoreʔ ~mandoreʔ ~mandoreyonderIBdisi-oreʔtheyIBdisiplural person marker
PSL*osoldrive stake inosoldrive in a stakeWSosoldrive in a post or mooring stakeCSosopole; supportJMɤsɤkdrive in stake; plant cuttingsWS.1
PSB*otoʔvocative for younger maleotoʔvoc for younger maleNSCSSSotoʔservantNBotoʔvoc for younger maleottoʔvoc for younger maleNS.4otoʔ ~toʔvoc for younger maleWSJMutuʔaffectionate address for small boyTsg