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bøngn:classifier for counting numbers of sections, portions.Vlélòng nø wedø àngbøng àngbøng àngzanzan íámì í. 'Now, Ale (stump) is (cut) into many sections, isn't it?'Shǿng vshø̀mbøng.'Three sections of wood.'

bǿngclf:section, region.Ngàí abǿng bakngò lé.'I will carry this side.'Agǿla nø Mvrù bǿng kèní íe.'These people are from the land of Maru.'9.2.7Classifiers

bø̀ng1brìngn:name.Bø̀ng nø shvlá wa rvsvngshìràe.'It is important to choose a good name.'=ming, møng bø̀ng tev.i:popular.Dènila Gúríyá zvtgárì bø̀ng tee.'Nowadays, Korean movies are popular.''name' + 'big'bø̀ng tǿv.t:give or pick a name.Bø̀ng tǿòe.'Give a name.' Or 'Pick a name.'Bø̀ng ètǿvpshà má.'Have you given (the baby) a name?''name' + 'pick'bø̀ng zv́ngv.t:enroll.Mòngkà zùng tiqyv́ng bø̀ng zv́ngshø̀ngvpmà.'I have already enrolled in one of the Bible schools.''name' + 'put in'

bø̀ng2v.t:boil leaves or vegetables (with a little bit of water).Vyúnghà èbø̀ːngò!'Boil the vegetable!'Not used with boiling meat.

Bø̀ngdupn:Beungdu; place name. of villages

bǿngkàngn:grub worm which is found in cow dung and also decayed wood.=bv́ngkàng1.6.1.7Insect

bøpv.i:1rot.Ayv́ng ka tiqgo bøpmapmì.'Here, a chicken got rotten.' (of meat, beans).Nosi dvbøːpmòe.'Ferment soy bean.'Mvnga mvsat dvbøp dv́rshà.'We have fermented mustard leaves (like Korean Kimchi).'

bøqbuq4v.i:1bend.Tvwa gùng bøqe.'The bamboo bends.', accustomed to, used to.For some dialects it means 'cooked rice'.

bøqbøqwaadv:sound (asleep).Bøqbøqwa yøpme.'Sound asleep.'Exclusively use with the verb 'sleep'.

bøt1v.i:old, used.Bèlaq dvbøt bǿà.'The shirt is now wore out.'Dv̀nggúng bøt.'An old bag.'Usually used with non-living things., not new

bøt2vbøtn:cowitch or cowhage (fruit).Mucuna Pruriens.1.5.7Fruits

bøtbøt vshùadv:leaking from various holes.Bùrì dùng mvme jaq rvt bøtbøt vshùe.'The sake has many holes, therefore, it leaks from many places.'

bø̀té shvtn:kind of tiny flies.=shvmǿsøt1.6.1.7Insect

vBúpn:Bu; birth order name for the fourth born female.=Bǿ, Tì, Nøn, Nun1.8.1.8Birth order names

1n:walnut.Vbùtø̀ng.'Walnut tree.'Tv́n tiqpv̀n nø bùsvprìí røòe.'Another kind is that (they) poison (fish) with walnut leaves.'1.5.7Fruitsbùshvyømn:type of almond.'walnut' + 'peach'

2v.i:abundant, multiply.Mví nìnø bé gø bé lv́m íwe mvbe dø Gvray Gvsv̀ngí dvbúa yàngà we íe walòng shá lúnshìe.'If not the case, it should have run out, (but) we can understand/know that it is the case that God has multiply (them).'=vbup

3vbùv.t:kiss.Svma lvngà vbùkee.'Girl and boy kiss each other.'

bùbùwaadv:chubby.Vpung nø bùbùwasè tee.'Aphung is chubby.' person