sāyud2vSomeone finds out or knows something.This verb is inflected for abilitative mood (naka- etc.) to agree with the meaning of the stem. That is, "finding out" or "knowing" is not within the volititional control of the actor. Therefore, to avoid redundancy "know" or "find out" are glossed rather than "be able to know" or "happened to know", or "be able to find out" or "happen to find out."'ipasāyud'Ipasāyud ku sa 'imu nga 'igwa kita ning simba buwas.That we will have a church service tomorrow is that about which you will be informed by me.ginapasāyudSumabat si Prīdi sa 'ākun nga "Ginapasāyud ta 'ikaw nga si 'Arnuld hay patay na."Freddie answered me, "You are being informed by me that Arnold has already died."ginapasayūraFollows a negativeWaya' ni Lulīta ginapasayūra 'ang 'iya 'asāwa kung sya hay may ginabakay.Her husband is not informed by Lolita when she has something to buy.ginpasāyud, pinasāyudGinpasāyud na 'aku nga yāra' na 'ang 'ākun bisti gāni' ginapabālik na 'aku sa Tablas.I was informed that my special attire was there, so I was sent back to Tablas.Dyāgan naman 'aku, pabālik sa bayay, kag pinasāyud ku 'ang 'ākun 'asāwa nga 'igwa ning 'isda' sa baybay.I ran, going back to the house, and my spouse was informed by me that there are fish on the beach.kinasayūran1Follows a negative.Gapinamāti' lang 'aku kay waya' da 'akuy kinasayūran sa 'isturya ni Karlus.I keep on listening because nothing is known by me about the story of Carlos.2Occurs in a rhetorical question following 'anu.'Anung kinasayūran ku kung 'anu 'ang 'indu ginahuman? Kay nagapinānaw kamu nga duha.What is known by me about what you are doing? Because you two are always going out.3As head of a time clause following an optional nang.Si Maribil nang makasāyud nga yāki 'ang 'unga' ni Mamay niya hay 'aba nga kalīpay!When Maribel found out that the child of her Mother was a boy, oh, she was happy!ma'ipasāyud1Follows a negative.'Indi' ni Birta ma'ipasāyud sa 'iya pamilya nga 'igwa siyay natatāgu' nga kwarta.That she has money that is being saved is that about which Bertha will not inform her family.2Follows a pseudo verb.Gustu ku lang sa 'indu ma'ipasāyud nga may ma'abut kita nga bisīta.That we have a visitor who will arrive is that about which I just want to inform you.3Follows a subordinate conjunction.'Ang paghambay ning ma'āyu hay 'isa nga pa'āgi pāra ma'ipasāyud nātun 'ang 'ātun gina'īsip sa 'iba nga tāwu.Saying good [things] is one way in order that what is being thought about by us is that about which we inform other people.magpasāyud1infto inform someoneSi Nardu na 'ang bahāya' magpasāyud sa manga tāwu nga 'igwa ning mīting sa Duminggu.Nardo is the one responsible to inform the people that there will be a meeting on Sunday.2vSomeone is informed by someone else or something about a particular event or state.3'Indi' na 'aku magpasāyud kay Lurna nga 'igwa ning pabayli.I will no longer inform Lorna that there is a benefit dance.makakasāyudvSomething is found out or is known by someone.Follows a negative.Waya' gid 'aku makakasāyud kung pa'unu 'ang ginamidikal.I surely do not know at all how to have a medical examination.makasāyudMamāti' kita ma'āyu pāra makasāyud kita kung 'anu 'ang ginahambay ni Hīlin.We will listen carefully so that we will find out what is being said by Helen.mapasāyudMapasāyud ka na sa 'īmu manga hāli kung 'igwa ning handā'an sa 'īmu bayay.You will now inform your co-lateral relatives if there is a party at your house.masasayūranKung 'ang 'apa' hay gutum na, 'ang 'iya kamut hay ginabutang niya sa 'iya tyan ngāni' hay masasayūran mu nga gutum na siya.If the deaf mute is already hungry, his hands will be placed by him on his stomach so that [it] will be able to be known for sure by you that he is hungry.masasayūriFollows a negative.'Ari nyan ya' ku pa da masasayūri kung pila ka 'iktarya 'ang 'ākun ning dūta'.As of now, [it] is not yet able to be known at all by me how many hectares my land [amounts to].masayūran'Aku, hay 'indi' pa da maka'isturya niyan nang parti sa tiyad 'ina' pīru masayūran na lang 'ina' nindu sa 'iba nga 'adlaw.As for me, I cannot talk about that now, but that will be known by you some day.'Indi' ku masayūran kung 'anu na 'ang kamutāngan ni Ramun sa Tablas.What Ramon's situation is now in Tablas is not known by me.masayūriFollows a negative.Waya' na gid nina Gilbert masayūri kung sa di'in nga lugar nagkadtu si 'Īna.The place where Ena went is not known by Gilbert and the others.nagapasāyudKung matū'ud 'ina' nga balīta', bāsi' waya' ning tiligrāma nga nagapasāyud sa 'ātun?If that news is true, why is there no telegram which informs us?nagpasāyudMa'āyu lang kay may nagpasāyud sa 'ākun nga ginbūguy si Arnuld gāni' nakasāyud 'aku.It was good that there was someone who informed me that Enrico was stoned, so that I was able to know.nakakasāyud'Ini nga prublīma hay 'ang ma'isplikar 'ini hay 'ang 'isa nga nakakasāyud nang 'ini nga sitwasyun.As for this problem, the one to explain this is the one who really knows [about] the situation.nakapasāyud'Aku hay nakapasāyud na sa 'isa nga pispis nga kāda 'ūras taw'an ku sinda ning pagkā'un.I was able to inform one bird that every hour I would give them food.nakasāyudNakasāyud si Pitra, nang hinambay nang 'ākun tatay, nga 'ang 'iya 'unga' patay na.Petra found out, when my father told her, that her child had already died.nakasāyud, kasāyud1With fronted noun phrases.Kay Nilsi lang da 'aku 'ina' kasāyud nga si Dūri nag'abut kahāpun.From Nelsie I found out that Dory arrived yesterday.2Following a negative.Waya' pa si Tatay nakasāyud nga 'aku hay nagahigda' sa banig nga may dipirinsya.Father did not yet know that I was lying down on a mat with a sickness.napasāyudNapasāyud na da nindu si Layda nga 'igwa ning sūlat ha?Laida was able to be informed by you that there was a letter?nasasayūranTanan nga 'ākun nasasayūran nga malā'in hay 'ākun ginahambay sa 'ākun 'asāwa pāra nga 'indi' sya mabughat.As for all the bad things which were able to be found out for sure by me, I am telling my wife so that she will not have a relapse.nasasayūriWaya' mu pa 'ina' nasasayūri 'ang manga batāsan nina Dīnu kay bag'u sinda diri sa 'ātun lugar.The attitude of Dino and others was not yet able to be known at all by you because they are new here in our place.nasayūran1Nasayūran naman 'aku ni Tātay, nga 'aku, hay naga'iskip sa klāsi.I was found out by father that, as for me, [I] was skipping class.nasayūran2As head of a time clause following an optional nang.Nang nasayūran nang 'ākun panugāngan nga yadtu kami sa 'inda bayay, ginpa'ūli' kami magnanay sa San 'Agustin.When [it] was found out by my parents-in-law that we were there at their house, they let us, mother and children, go back to San Agustin.nasayūriFollows a negative.Waya' nasayūri nang 'ākun tatay nga nubyu ku na si Dyūwil.That Joel was already my boyfriend was not known by my father.pagkasāyudti gerupon someone's knowing somethingNang pagkasāyud ni Hīlin nga yāra' 'ang 'iya nanay, naghambay siya kay Rūki nga makadtu sinda sa Sāwang.Upon Helen's knowing that her mother was there, she told Roque that they would go to Sawang.pagpasāyud, pasāyudninformation, a message given by someoneGintiligramāhan nina Nayda 'ang tatay ku diri sa Rumblun pīru 'ang 'inda pagpasāyud patay na 'aku.Naida and others telegrammed my father here in Romblon but their information was that I was already dead.'Ang pasāyud nang nars sa 'āmun nga basta 'isa ka bīsis sa 'isa ka būlan 'ang bakūna.The message of the nurse to us was that the vaccination [should be given] just one time a month.pasāyud2caus vSomeone or something informs someone else about a particular event or state.pasayūra, ginpasayūraFollows a negative.Waya' da si Nīta pasayūra nang 'iya manga maguyang nga nag'abut na 'ang 'iya tatay.Nita was not informed by her older brothers that her father had arrived.Ya' ninda ginpasayūra si Manang Lusit nga 'ang 'iya 'unga' hay patay na.Older Sister Lucit was not informed by them that her child was already dead.pasayūrunvA message is that about which someone or something informs someone else.Kung 'ina' halimbāwa' nga bāka 'u karabaw nga prindādu sa 'īmu kag gustu nga 'ibaligya' nang tag'īya dāpat hay pasayūrun ka nga ginprindahan.If, for example, a cow or carabao which is mortgaged to you, and the owner wants to sell [it], you, the one who was given the mortgage, should be informed.sāyud, pagkasāyudgersomeone's knowing something'Ang pagkasāyud ku hay waya' na nahāngit si Nanay sa 'ākun.That which is known by me (lit., my knowing) is that Mother is no longer angry with me.sayud1vWaya' nay magkagustu sa 'ākun didtu kay sayud ninda na 'aku may 'asāwa na.No one still has an interest in me there because it is known by them that I already have a spouse.tagapasāyud1an announcer who makes announcements during a public event; a messenger'Ang hambay nang tagapasāyud nang prugrāma nga 'igwa sinda ning ka'āyu nga paguwa'.The announcer of the program said that they will have a nice program.

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