Romblomanon - English



taposs adj pronour (incl.) person or thing; a person or thing of ours; our (incl.) doing somethingPost-noun or post-gerund possessive pronoun. For pre-noun or pre-gerund possessive pronoun, see 'ātun 1a.Pagkatāpus ta ning 'ihāpun hay kantahan mu kami kag sumā'ut ka.Upon our finishing our supper we should be sung to by you and you dance a modern'ātun 'ātun 'ātun 'ātun nātun nātun nātun nātun gen pronSomething is done by us (incl.).Follows an undergoer focus verb.'U! Mahal kung Plurintīna, bīsan sāpat 'ang 'unga' nātun palangga'un ta gihāpun kay 'unga' nātun siya.Oh! My dear Florentina, even though our child is like an animal [he] should still be loved by us because he is our child.gen pronIn a dependent clause, ta precedes the verb.Disir ta manghuran, hay pa'abūtun ta 'ānay manga 'unum ka tū'ig.Before a younger sibling will be begotten by us, [our present child] should be allowed by us to reach six years of age.gen pronFollowing a negative, ta precedes the verb.Kung sa Duminggu mag'inūyan, 'indi' ta pagsigīhun 'ang paghākut ning batu kay madayūnut 'ang karsāda.If it continually rains on Sunday, the carrying of marble blocks will not be continued by us because the roads will be slippery.gen pronTa denotes "by me" when you singular or plural have something done to you by me.May kāya 'aku nga bakyan ta 'ikaw ning sapātus.I have the resources in which you (sg.) will be bought shoes by me.'Indi' ta kamu pag'abrīhanYou (pl.) will not have the door opened for [you] by me.gen pronThe form ku optionally replaces ta in this possition with no change in meaning.'Indi' ku kamu pag'abrīhan.You (pl.) will not have the door opened by me.
tā'asnthe height of something'Ini nga baskit hay human sa 'uway; mabīlug 'ang buli' kag 'ang 'as hay mababa' lang.This basket is made of rattan; the bottom is round and the height is just short.nkata'as 'ang dugu' (dugu' 2)Someone is angry.katā'as, matā'as1adja tall or big person or thing, referring to sizeWaya' ning tilhang pa'ibabaw 'ang niyug kay bukun pa da matā'as ka'āyu.There are no tree footholds in going up the coconut palm because it is not yet very tall.katā'as, matā'as2adjSomething measured in degrees is high or great.Nang si Rumīyu hay naga'iskwīla na hay kamayad siya sa tanan nga liksyun nang ma'istra hay matā'as 'ang 'iya grādu.When Romeo was already studying he was clever in all lessons of the teacher and his grades were high.katā'as, matā'as3adjSomeone is expert in accomplishing something.kata'astā'as1int adja very tall or very big person or thingkata'astā'as2int adjSomething measured in degrees is very high or very great.kata'astā'as31int adjSomeone is very expert in accomplishing something.2Kata'astā'as man 'ang 'ākun manga grīding, gāni' sigisīgi na 'aku 'adtu.My grades surely became very high, so I continued those [studies].mas matā'as11comp adjSomeone or something is taller or bigger in size than someone or something else.2vSomeone or something becomes big or tall in size.nagtā'as became big or tallmas matā'as21comp adjSomething is higher or greater in degree than something else.Mas matā'as gid 'ang 'iya tinun'an kaysa sa 'ākun pīru 'ang manga buyung hay parīhu lang.What was learned by him is much greater than for me but as for various medicines [his knowledge] is just the same [as mine].2vSomething becomes high or great in degree.mas matā'as3comp adjSomeone is more expert than someone else in accomplishing something.Mas matā'as si 'Amur sa 'ākun.Amor is more expert than I [in the use of herbal medicine].
tā'inhuman excrementKung nagaka'uyu 'ang 'unga', naga'ūna siya kay 'ang 'iya 'i hay tubuy.When the child defecates, he bears down because his excrement is hard stools.spectubuycf'īputntā'i muinjyour excrement!An offensive interjection malaw'ay nga hambayānun spoken to someone to indicate anger or extreme displeasure with that person.tinā'inthe intestine of a body'Ang 'iya 'ini ning tinā'i hay waya' 'ini ginaka'ūna kay mapa'it.As for the intestine of this one (i.e., of this mollusk), [it] is not eaten because it is bitter.tinā'i nang kawāyannthe inner surface of bamboosyntiyan nang kawāyancflikud nang kawāyan2tiyan nang kawāyan
ta'uvSomeone or something gives or provides someone with something.'ita'uvSomeone or something is given or provided something by someone else.Nang pagkadtu niya nga mamāhaw nagpangutana siya kung pila 'ang 'ākun 'ita'u sa 'iya.Upon her going to eat her breakfast she asked me how much [money] would be given to her by me.ginataw'anKung ma'āyu da 'ang tag'īya nga 'īmu mabakyan ning buli hay ginataw'an ka da ning pa'āman.If the owner from whom you will buy the buri [palm fronds] is kind, you are given an extra one.ginta'u, tinaw'an'Ang 'ākun pangabuhī'an diri ginta'u ku na sa 'inda nga manga 'unga' ku.My source of income (i.e., property) here was given to my children by me.gintaw'an, tinaw'anNalū'uy gid sa 'iya 'ang 'iya manīnuy, gāni' gintaw'an siya nga dā'an ning kwarta nga 'inugbākay.His godfather really pitied him, so he was given money without restraint for spending money.Tinaw'an ning pribilihīyu si tāta Huwan nga maghambay sa publiku.Uncle John was given the privilege to deliver a speech to the public.magta'u1imper vSomeone must or should give something to someone else.Kung sin'u 'ang magbayli sa 'āmun dāma hay magta'u ning 'intrans nga pīsu.Whoever will dance with our princesses must give a peso entrance fee.2vSomething is given to someone or is provided for someone by someone else.mataw'i'Adtu 'ang 'īmu 'ālay nga waya' mu mataw'i nang naglīgad nga simāna hay taw'an mu gid 'itun pāra nga 'indi' magdāku' 'ang 'īmu tyaw'ānan.As for your tithe that was not able to be given by you the previous week, you must surely give this in order that your gifts will not become large.nagata'u'Igwa ning manga libru kag balasahun nga nagata'u ning laygay kung pa'unu 'ang pagpagwāpa kag kung pa'unu magpīli' ning bāru'.There are some books and reading material that give advice on how to make yourself beautiful and how to pick out clothes.nagta'uBukun ku da sala' 'ini nga buy'un ku 'ang singsing kay si Pitra da 'ang nagta'u sa 'ākun.I have no fault in this if I take the ring because Petra is the one who gave [it] to me.nakakata'u'Intirisādu si Sunya magpamati' sa hambay nang duktur kay nakakata'u ning ma'āyu nga 'ihimplu 'ang 'iya 'isplikasyun.Sonia was interested in listening to what the doctor said because his explanation was really able to provide a good example.pagta'ugersomeone's giving of something to someone or something else'Ang pagta'u ning pangāyan sa manga 'āyam 'ina' hay dipindi sa gustu nang tag'īya.The giving of names to dogs depends on what the owner likes.taw'an2Pwīdi na taw'an mu si Birtu ning tināpay.It is appropriate that Berto will be given some bread by you.'Ūras nang kasay, 'inanunsyu nang hāri' sa tanan nga 'ang 'iya pagataw'an nang 'iya kurūna hay waya' ning 'iba kundi' si Prinsipi 'Adūnis.During the wedding ceremony, [it] was announced by the king to everyone that the one who would be given his crown by him would be no other than prince Adonis.tyaw'ānan1na financial obligation'Ang tyaw'ānan ni Diguy kay Saldi hay sitinta pīsus.Digoy's financial obligation to Saldi is seventy pesos.'Adtu 'ang 'īmu 'ālay nga waya' mu mataw'i nang naglīgad nga simāna hay taw'an mu gid 'itun pāra nga 'indi' magdāku' 'ang 'īmu tyaw'ānan.As for your tithe that was not able to be given by you the previous week, you must surely give it in order that your financial obligation will not become'ālaylimus pakumkum
tā'ubnhigh tideKung 'ub na nagaluwas da sinda nagakāmang sa 'ibābaw nang batu.When it is already high tide they (i.e., Philipi's star mollusks) come out and creep on top of a stone.antmaghunasmagtā'ubinfto become high tideNagahuyat lang 'ina' sinda nga magtā'ub kag 'imaw 'ang 'inda panginā'un.Those just wait for [it] to become high tide and that's the time of their eating.anthunastā'ub, patā'ubvIt becomes high tide.Galuwas 'ini sinda kung pata'ub na kag nagatungtung sa batu.They (i.e., ghost murex mollusks) come out when [it] becomes high tide and go on top of stones.
tab'angmatab'angadjfresh water'Ini 'ang diwal, hay ga'istar 'ini sa matab'ang nga tūbi'.As for these jackknife clam mollusks, where they stay is in fresh water.
tabāku'na tobacco plant or leavesNicotiana tabacum (Linn.)'Adtu 'ang 'āmun daya nga nila'ga' nga manuk, tuba' sūman nga binukbuk nga bugas, tabāku' kag mama 'ākun 'ina' ginbutang sa langkapi.As for my things which are boiled chicken, coconut wine, sūman sticky rice cakes, tobacco and betel chew, I put them on the bamboo table.Used commercially for making cigarettes sigarilyu and cigars balakbak and locally for making tobacco rolls tabāku' nga dubya.tabāku' nga dubyavardubya2na homemade tobacco roll, prepared for smokingMay tabāku' nga dubya, may mama', 'ina' 'ang mama'; ginaputus nga dā'an 'ang būnga kag 'āpug sa būyu' nga dāhun nga pitu da 'ina' ka putus.There was a tobacco roll, there was a betel-nut masticatory; betel nut and lime were already wrapped in betel pepper leaves which are seven wrapped objects.A tobacco leaf tabāku' is divided into two pieces. Half is torn into tiny pieces and rolled into the other half to make a tobacco roll.cfbalakbak
tābanvSomething is held in the mouth, carried or carried away in the mouth by an animal or in the beak by a bird.tabānun'Ang niyug ginapakaya' sa sīlak kag kurayun ning pūkut palībut pāra 'indi' tabānun nang 'āyam 'ang nagakaya' nga niyug.The [half] coconuts are placed face up in the sunlight and are fenced around with a net so that the coconuts lying face up will not be carried away in the mouth by dogs.tinabanPagtamwa' nang 'inda 'ūyu hay 'igwa na ning tinaban nga 'isa ka bilug nga lambīyung.When their heads (i.e., of tayataya birds) come out [of the water] there is one lambiyung anchovy fish held in the beak.
tābangvSomeone helps someone else.cfmagpabūligkatābang'Indi' kami 'ina' katābang nang 'ina' nga kasakit, kaysa 'īmu 'ina' lāwas nagahalin.We were not able to help that area of pain because it came from your body.cfbūlig2makatābang'Ayaw maghadlukhadluk kay 'ikaw da 'ina' mismu sa sarīli mu 'ang makatābang sa 'īmu.Do not be afraid because you are the one who will be able to help yourself.nagtābangWaya' siya kakilāya kung sin'u nga prinsipi 'ang nagtābang sa 'iya kahari'an.He (i.e., the king) did not know who the prince was who helped in his kingdom [to fight against their enemies].
tābasvSomeone cuts out a piece of cloth, paper, an item of clothing.gingtābas1gercloth's or paper's being cut out by someone in a pattern for a dress, another piece of clothingGingtābas ku 'ang nu'ug kay gingtahi' ku nga sāya.The cloth was cut out by me because it was sewn by me into a skirt.Pag'abut ku nga halin sa Rumblun, tinunā'an ku na ning tābas 'ang 'iya tīla nga pangkasay.After my arrival coming from Romblon, her cloth for the wedding was begun being cut out by me.2ncut-out cloth to be sewn into an item of clothingnagtābasvCloth, paper, an item of clothing is cut out by someone.Si Linlin 'ang nagtābas nang bāru' nga pangkasay ni Ludya.Linlin was the one who cut out the gown for Lucia's wedding.Scissors gunting are used for cutting out cloth or paper.tinābasna remnant cloth; a scrap remaining from cutting out cloth for making clothing'Ang manga tinābas, hay ginatambitambi kag ginahuman nga punda nang 'uyūnan.As for remnant cloths, [they] are all joined together and made into a pillowcase for a pillow.cfritāsu
tabigna harvest basketMade of losely woven bamboo with a coconut fiber liner. Round, about 35 cm diameter at the bottom, 50 cm diameter at the top and 40 cm. high. Tied at the waist; it is the receptacle into which harvesters put harvested rice as they harvest. When full it is taken to the edge of the field and emptied into a sack.
tabīgi'na tabigi mangrove treeXylocarpus moluccensis
tabilnloquaciousness, prattle,Bunguy na 'ang talīnga ni Dyīgu sa pagpinamāti' sa tabil nang 'iya 'asāwa.Diego is already fed up with listening to the prattle of his wife.
tablanplank siding; sawn timber used for wallingSa 'iya pagpamintāna', nakīta' niya si Raming, nagasakay sa trak nga kargāhan nang manga tabla nga kāhuy.Upon her looking out the window, she saw Raming riding in the truck which was loading plank siding lumber.
tablītana medicinal capsule or tabletGinrisitāhan si Budung ning tablīta nga pāra sa sakit nang mata.Budung was prescribed tablets for eye sickness.tablītaspl nmedicinal capsules or tablets
tabtabvSomething is cut off from that to which it is attached with a knife or bolo.ginatabtabKung tagsa ka lāwug 'ang la'ay nga niyug, ginatabtab ning sundang 'ang 'iya tangāya pāra waya' ning dāmu' nga pusi'pūsi' kāda bu'uk.If the very mature coconuts are each a bunch [of several coconuts], its stem (i.e., the stem of each bunch) is cut off with a bolo so that there will not be much twisting of individual pieces.tabtabunKung butung na, tabtabun mu tanan.When they are already young coconut fruits, all of them should be cut off.