sīhi'1na hard-shelled mollusk'Ini 'ang diwal nga sīhi' hay naga'istar sa kabatuhan, lālu' pa sa 'idāyum nang batu; dira' gid 'ina' 'ang 'inda gustu nga 'istaran.This jackknife-clam mollusk stays in stony areas, especially under stones; that is the place where they like to stay.Bitīnun 'ang sīhi' para magluwas 'ang 'unud.Mollusks are hung [upside down] so that the meat will come out.Divers for mollusks nagapamusu ning sīhi' dive commercially to collect and sell their shells balayan. Mollusks are also collected for meat 'unud nang sīhi', usually on the dry ocean floor at low tide nagapangiwag.nbalayan nang sīhi'varsīhi'2na sea shell'Ini nga balayan nang sīhi' 'indi' da 'ini pwīdi nga pangdikurasyun sa bayay.These sea shells are not appropriate for decorating in a house.May mutur nga Sibuhānu nga nagapamakay sīhi'.There is a Cebuano pumpboat engaged in buying sea shells.ginat'an nga sīhi'na mollusk cooked in coconut milk extractnagapanihi'vMollusks are gathered by someone.Functions as a substantive following the determiner nang.Kung kami 'ini nagapanihi' hay kadāmu' 'ini 'ang 'āmun nakikīta' sa manga kabatuhan kay 'ini sinda hay naga'istar sa kabatuhan.If we gather this [kind of] mollusk many are seen by us in stony areas because they like to stay in stony areas.Manāgu' naman 'ang sīhi' pāra 'indi' sinda makīta' nang nagapanihi'.Mollusks hide so they will not be seen by those who gather mollusks.nagapanihi', pagpanīhi'gersomeone's gathering of mollusksKa'āyu 'ang nagapanihi' sa Bang'ug kung hunas kadāmu' 'ang nabubu'uy nga manga sari'sāri' nga sīhi'.The gathering of mollusks in Bang-og is good during low tide because you will frequently get different kinds of shells.'Ang pagpanīhi' hay patabu'tābu'.The gathering of mollusks is seasonal.Sa 'īmu pagpanīhi' may nabubu'uy ka nga sigay.In your gathering of mollusks you will frequently get cowry shells.panihi'2vSomeone gathers mollusks.panihī'un'Ang kuyāput, kung gustu mu nga panihī'un, hay kalupus lang nga buy'un basta 'igwa kay suyut.As for Conrad's false shell mollusks, if what you want is that [they] will be gathered [by you], they are easy to get if you have a digging bolo.sīhi', 'unud nang sīhi'nmollusk meatKung 'īmu sukātun 'ang sīhi', dāpat pakut 'ang 'īmu gamītun kay 'agud hay 'indi' mabu'ak 'ang 'iya ning balayan.If the mollusk meat is pried out by you, what should be used by you is a safety pin so that its shell will not be accidentally broken.'Ang 'unud nang sīhi' hay ginalakut kung nagalūtu' ning pansit.Mollusk meat is mixed in when cooking noodles.

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