kurti1nthe shape of something, as a ball, a tube, a disk, the moon'Ini nga baskit hay human sa kawāyan. Mabīlug 'ang kurti nang buli' kag 'ang tā'as hay duha ka dāngaw.This basket is made of bamboo. The shape of the bottom part is round, and the height is two hand spans.vSomething is shaped by someone, as to be shaped round, shaped to represent a particular object.kurtihan, kurtihunBumu'uy ning limpyu nga papil; kurtihan ning pabīlug kag butangan ning ma'isut nga būhu' sa tunga'tūnga'; tapus, 'ibutang 'ang 'implastu.Get a clean piece of paper; it is shaped round and a small hole is put in the middle; then medicinal plaster is put on it.Kung nabu'uy na 'adtu 'ang marmul sa 'idāyum, kurtihun pāra magablūki na.When marble is gotten from under the ground, [it] will be shaped so that it becomes a block.pagkurtigersomething's being shaped'Ang paghuman naman nang 'almiris 'inang ginabayuhan, hay ginasinsil 'ānay 'ina' pagkurti bāgu 'ina' bay'agan.In making condiment mortars which are used in pounding, they are first chiseled in being shaped before they will be filed.

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