tuktuk1vSomething is chopped or cut into pieces.cftadtadtadtarun'utudginatuktuk'Ang 'iba naman nga waya' ning 'ikakāya nga 'itingi' ning bugas pāra bubud sa 'inda manuk 'ang 'inda 'ini ginabūbud hay niyug nga ginatuktuk ning pīnu kundi' man hay ginakāyus.Some who have nothing which can be used as a resource for buying rice as feed for their chickens, what they feed is coconut which is chopped into tiny pieces or which is grated.tuktukunLimpyuhun 'ang karni nga lutū'un kag tuktukun.Clean the meat that will be cooked and cut into pieces.cftadtad

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