līgidvSomeone lies down on something or in a given location.cfginabalikwa'maglīgidMabug'at nga 'alsahun 'ang 'īmu siki, labi na gid kung sa bakilid ka mag'āgi; dali' ka gid maglīgid.Your feet are heavy to be lifted, especially if you pass along a hillside; you roll down very easily.nagalīgidvSomeone or something rolls away from a particular location, rolls over.'Indi' makabuskad si Juan; nagalīgid na lang sa sayug kag matūyug.John is not able to unfold [a mat]; he just lies down on the floor and sleeps.nagapanglilīgid'Ābir nagapanglilīgid 'aku 'ina' hay sīgi lang.Even though I was rolling over and over, [I] just kept going.Hambay ku kang Huwan, "'Aguy! Malīgid 'aku, malīgid," nga nākun, "'aku." "'Agbayun ta lang; sīging kāmang, kāmang kay kabakilid."I said to Juan, "Oh my! I will roll down, I will roll down," I said. [John said] "I will hold your hand; continue crawling because [the slope] is steep."palīgidcaus vSomeone or something heavy is rolled away from a particular location by someone else.paligīranPaligīran nina Karlus 'ang kāhuy nga nakahārang sa karsāda.The tree which was blocking the road was rolled away by Carlos and companion.cfbalikwa'

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