'akut pronI do something; I am in a particular state; I have something done for, to, with me; I have something; I have a particular designation; I am allowed by someone to do something or to have something done to me.Follows an adjective, noun, pseudo-verb or verb predicate.Na'i'īli 'aku sa 'ākun manga ka'ibāhan nga kāda Duminggu hay nagapamakay sinda.I was truly jealous towards my companions in that every Sunday they went buying.May kāya 'aku nga bakyan ta 'ikaw ning sapātus.I have the resources in which you will be bought shoes by me.Gustu ku pagbālik ku diri hay 'igwa 'aku ning kwarta nga 'idāwat sa 'indu.I want that upon my coming back here I will have money which will be handed to you.Ginpabakay 'aku 'ina' ning manga gāmit sa pag'upira.I was allowed to buy those supplies for the medical operation.'Imaw 'ini 'ang 'ākun 'ikspiryinsya nang sultīru pa 'aku hasta 'aku nga nagka'asāwa.This was my experience when I was still an unmarried man until I was able to marry.t pronPrecedes adjective, noun, pseudo-verb or verb predicates, following adverbs, including negatives.'Indi' pa 'aku 'antīgu magbuyung nang 'ākun bābuy kung may sakit.I still do not know how to medically treat my pig when there is sickness.t pronPrecedes the adjective, pseudo-verb or verb as a preposed topic to denote emphasis.Nang 'aku naga'idad katursi 'anyus, 'aku hay ginpangasawa na.When I reached the age of fourteen years, as for me, [I] was already courted [by someone].t pronPrecedes the adjective, pseudo-verb or verb in a dependent clause.Nang primīru 'aku nga nag'alāga' ning bābuy hay waya' pa da 'aku ning 'ikspiryinsya.The first time that I cared for pigs I had no experience yet.Nang mil nuwībi syintus singkwinta nuwībi, nagpamuhun 'aku sa 'ākun manga magūyang nga 'aku mangamūhan na lang.When it was [the year] nineteen hundred fifty-nine, I asked permission of my parents that I might just work as a domestic helper.cmt pronI am the one to do something, to be in a particular state.Follows genitive or possessive adjective pronouns.Tuparun mu lang 'ang 'ātun napagkasundū'an nga lumīgad lang 'ang 'isa ka būlan nga waya' mu 'aku ginatanduga.What was able to be agreed on by us should be fulfilled by you, that one month should pass by in which I will not have had anything done [to me] by you.cmt pronOccurs as sentence predicate preceding a substantive topic introduced by 'ang.'Aku 'ang tagapa'inum ning buyung.I am the one in charge of letting the medicine be drunk.'Indi' gid si Nāna Nīna gustu nga 'aku 'ang mapangasāwa nang 'iya 'unga'.Aunt Nena does not like that I am the one who will become the spouse of her child.

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