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Browse Safaitic - English


ʔb n father 15/5/2015
ʔb ʔm n maternal grandfather
ʔbd adv forever, eternity (irreg. infl. l- ʔbd)
ʔbl n. col. camel
ʔblt top toponym, perhaps Abila
ʔbrʕ v. C-stem to tremble in fear
ʔbṣ v. G-stem to be pleased, cheerful
ʔḍ adv (once) again
ʔdb v. D-stem (?) to offer
ʔḍll v. C-stem to lead astray
ʔḏyr v. C-stem to anger
ʔḍyt n watering hole
ʔflt v. C-stem to escape
ʔgdy kids
ʔġn imp. C-stem to free from want
ʔġnm goats
ʔgr n a hired man
ʔgrfṣ irreg. infl. of grfṣ
ʔgrt n wage, compensation for work
ʔġyr imp. C-stem to remove affliction
ʔgʕ v. C-stem to cause pain
ʔḫ n brother (irreg. infl. ʔḫwn)
ʔḥb elative most beloved
ʔḥbb v. C-stem to love

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