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Browse Safaitic - English


ʔḥd pn. deity, the one god
ʔḫḏ v. G-stem to take
ʔḫḏt n pool of water; land taken for a grave
ʔhl n.sing family
ʔḫl n.abst uncertainty
ʔhlk v. C-stem to slaughter
ʔḫlṣ v. C-stem to make safe
ʔḫrt adv thereafter
ʔḫt n sister
ʔḫwn irreg. infl. of ʔḫ
ʔḫyt n. (diminutive) litte sister
ʔkl₁ v. G-stem to eat
ʔkl₂ v. D-stem to feed, nourish
ʔl₁ prep to, for
ʔl₂ n.col lineage group, people
ʔlf₁ n thousand
ʔlf₂ n close companion
ʔlh₁ pn Allah (irreg. infl. lh)
ʔlh₂ n god, generic term for deity
ʔls¹nt tongues (curses)
ʔlt₁ n goddess, generic term for female deity
ʔlt₂ pn Allat (deity)
ʔlt₃ n.abst scarcity
ʔm n mother
ʔmd v. C-stem to send reinforcements

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