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Browse Safaitic - English


k prep like, as
kbr large, tall or long
kl₁ quant both
kl₂ irreg. infl. of kll
klb n dog
kll quant all; each; everything (irreg. infl. kl)
klm v. G-stem to injure
klʔ v. D-stem to detain, restrain
kmn v. G-stem to go into hiding
kmʔ v. G-stem to gather truffles
kmʔt inf. G-stem to gather truffles
knf v. G-stem to show mercy, kindness
knn pn the month Kanun (December-January)
ksr₁ n destroyer
ksr₂ inf. G-stem to break
ksʔ n full moon or cosmical setting
ktb n.abst writing
kwy v. G-stem to wander
kʔn adj (participle) to be

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