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Browse Safaitic - English


mn prep from, because, due to (irreg. infl. m-)
mn- irreg. infl. of m-
mnqbl prep facing
mnṣb n.sing cult stone (irreg. infl. mṣb; irreg. infl. mṣbt)
mny₁ pn Fate
mny₂ n mina (currency)
mnʕt v. G-stem (fem) to be hindered
mqẓt n summer pasture
mqʕd n seat, position
mr v. G-stem to pass by
mrb n land with abundant herbage
mrby n foster child
mrbʕt n the period of first spring rains
mrd₁ n.sing a rebel
mrd₂ v. G-stem to rebel
mrd₃ n rebellion
mrḍ v. G-stem to become ill
mrq₁ v. G-stem to pass by
mrq₂ v. D-stem to remove, throw off; to let pass by
mrʔ n man, husband
mṣb irreg. infl. of mnṣb
mṣbt irreg. infl. of mnṣb
msnn n beaten track; land the herbage of which had been eat
mṣr v. D-stem (?) to take away (?)
msrt n a troop

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