bagilaba'gilav1to skip, miss or pass bybagiman pass through without stopping or noticing, leave someone behindbagiman descend past without stopping or noticing, as moving finger down page and missing his name
bagiman ilasub. ofbagilato pass through without stopping or noticing, leave someone behind
bagiman munlasub. ofbagilato descend past without stopping or noticing, as moving finger down page and missing his name
bebela'be'belav11smash2to soften, or to beat or smash in order to soften or tenderize, to soften fosi (for poisoning fish)synebelakola 23hit finger with hammer by accident
bebesoolabebesoo'lav1to roll something out of the way, such as a log
begooloobe'gooloonlime, chalky substance used when twisting two-leaf bark lining into twine to weave a bilumbegoolootensub.begoolootenmodgrayish