Sos Kundi



aak🔊adjripe (of fruit)mauWuna yawiba kuaakuan aak laapu yile miinii kepuitsade katiikgiyo.Go and bend down and cut the ripe bananas that are in my garden.Mau banana i stap long gaden bilong mi, yu go na pulim kam daun na katim.Kiigi laapu aak ye dii nyaliik nyaliik yako.This banana is ripe and is very soft.Dispela banana i kamap mau na malumalum.1.5.6Growth of plants
aamaa yakiadvpoke around in the water with spear when hunting for fish, turtles or crocodilesges paia wantaim spia long painim pis, trasel o pukpukMija kiirai wunii magiingue aamaa yakiye yile wunii siitiite, dii kiim waak.I took the spear and poked around for fish and felt it bump against something.Mi kisim supsup na mi ges paia long sutim pis na subim supsup i go kam na em bamim samting. and fish
abanadvtogether, at the same time. Only used with two or three items.wantaim"Agabat siikiit miinii kuik, niikue?" "Vitik aban wunii kuik.""How many together did you give to her?" "I gave both of them.""Hamas olgeta yu bin givim em?" "Mi givim tupela wantaim."Nyiino, wuniikii yajii vitik aban kuika. Hey you, give me both of those frying pans.Yu, givim mi tupela praipan wantaim. the same time
aban kudinsecrettok haitBiirii siikiit aban kudi gabue yile kutbiiriinang guane, viikiinanii.We will find out the secrets you two are telling of the things you two will do.Yutupela yet i toktok hait long bai yutupela mekim wanem samting, bai yumi lukim.
aban siivtalk in secrethait samtingBiirii aban se, agabat biirii yikiyako? You two are talking in secret, where are you two wanting to go?Yutupela i toktok hait, yutupela i laik go we?, public3.2.3.3Secret
abatadvwherewanem hapNyiina aiya abat nii yik?Where did your mother go?Mama bilong yu i go we?synagabat words
abiileknginger (kind of), its leaves are used to wrap fish, its fruit is edible.gorgorAlpinia1.5.3Grass, herb, vine
abu budiiadjdisobedient, stubborn, rebelliousbikhet"Ma yaa," wakuatiite, dii ka wukukue. Niimo abu budii nyaan dii waan wukutapman yako."Come," I was saying and he is not listening. He is a very disobedient child and is not listening.Mi toktok long kam na em i no harim. Traipela bikhet pikinini na em i no harim tok.4.3Behavior
abu gualgualnvegetative state evidenced by not being able to speak and merely shaking one's headhet paulKiyaatiikuan niiba kuai te abu gualgual de yatu, nak niiba yile waare nak valkii wakutakudete.People who are dying lie there and shake their heads, when people go up and ask something.Taim ol man i laik dai na ol i slip na wanpela man i go askim wanpela samting, ol save seksekim het tasol.2.5.8Mental illness
abu marenspirit that resembles a child with red skin that confuses people and causes them to lose their way. They can come into a village as wind or lightning and destroy thingsmasalai pikinini i gat retpela skin na save paulim manmeri4.9.2Supernatural being
abu nyaagiitnintroduction, beginning of storystat bilong stori3.5.2Make speech3.
abu sensen yavswim on one's backswim long baksaitNak nyaan gu yaakue dii abu sensen yakuak. A child was bathing and he was swimming on his back.
abu siiv1ache (of head)het i penWuna abu siidiite wunii ve ro.My head aches and I am sitting and looking.Het bilong mi pen na mi lukluk na sindaun stap.2.5.6Symptom of disease2bump headbamim hetRapme yituwe ye wunii baviiba wuna abu siik.I wanted to get up and go and I bumped my head on a log.Mi laik kirap i go na mi bamim het bilong mi long diwai.2.5.3Injure7.7.1Hit
abu yotinhead covering that covered the head and backside of a young woman when she was taken to wash after a time of training when she first got her period. This practice stopped sometime around 1970. Traditionally a baby would be wrapped in a head covering that was lined with a grass skirt to keep it warm.het karamap5.3Clothing
abukapin1Black Kitetarangau1.6.1.2Bird2airplanebalus7.2.4.3Fly
abuna adiiknskullsel bilong het2.1.6Bone, joint2.1.1Head
abuwukncaterpillar that will become a butterflykatapila1.6.3Animal life cycle1.6.1.7Insect
adaadjunder, belowaninitAda jabiiloba rang guane wunii dai kiiraak.I went down and got the things that were under the house.Mi go daun na kisim ol samting i stap aninit long haus., below
adindown below (distant), long way down a hill or riverdaun bilo longwe liklik long maunten o waraNaget adiba rang guane wunii yile kiiraak.A few days ago I went and got the thing that was down below.Las taim mi bin go kisim ol samting i bin stap daun bilo.antnowi8., below
adiikn1coconut shellsel kokonas1.5.5Parts of a plant2plate, dish that traditionally was made of a coconut shell.plet, dis5.2.2.8Eating utensil3shell of a turtlesel bilong trausel1.6.2.2Parts of a reptile
adiik kapakncoconut shell after meat has been removedsel kokonas1.5.5Parts of a plant
adiikeadvwhere, used to ask where someone or something isweMiina gai adiike?Where is your house?Haus bilong yu we?synaniiba9.2.3.4Question words
adiyopanninsect that looks like a large mosquito but does not bitebinatang olsem moskito1.6.1.7Insect
agademlike thatolsemNak du diikii nyaangu takuakue dii wak, “Yawi yile mi viiliitobo.” Aga wadiite de yik.A man said to his wife and children, "Let's go to the garden and finish chopping down the trees." Like that he spoke and they went.Man i tokim meri na pikinini bilong em, "Yumi go long gaden na pinisim long katim diwai go daun." Em tok olsem na ol i go. pronouns