Search results for "Lumbering"

yunuk1yunukSCE.spongyder.mayunuk2If something is said to be mayunuk, it is spongy feeling.

yeiy3yɜiypron.spat.demonthis here one9.2.3.5Demonstrative pronouns
yeiy2comp. ofya1inipron.discthis-here [previously mentioned]
yangadiProhere now

yeiy1yɜiipron.ABS.demon.thisantyan29.2.3.5Demonstrative pronouns

yanagawyanagawconj1therefore; in summary9.2.5.3Sentence conjunctions2therefore9.2.5.3Sentence conjunctions
yan dayan dasay. ofyan1n.phr.1that’s it2that’s all there is

yan1yancfnan21pron.ABS.demon.that9.2.3.5Demonstrative pronouns2pron.TOP.placeholder09.2.3.5Demonstrative pronounssay.yan dathat’s itthat’s all there is

yakanyakanNA yakan is a kind of grub worm.

yaktawyaktawSCE.If a place is said to be mayaktaw, is is a narrow place such as a mountain ridge line. a narrow place
ya‑i lainterjI don’t want it
yagting1yagtiŋSCE.high pitched is perceived as high pitchedmayagtinghigh-pitched sound
ya-i pagpugungisay. ofpugungPhr.don’t forbid
ya‑iinterjdon’t (do (cmd)
ya pigpamene'der. ofpig-2pamene'der. ofpene' do instructions s.o. is given
ya pigpan-imo'say. ofimo'1Phr.the things one did
ya pag-ayawˈʔa.yauder. ofayaw1Vthings left behind; abandon
ya paglongpagloŋid. ofpaglongder. oflong1the thing s.o. said

ya1yamkr.topicTopicYa balay iyan i, yan ya balay na sitio lidir.That house over there, that is the house of the sitio leader.9.2.6Particlescomp.yeiy2this-here [previously mentioned]
ya2yamkr.caseABSAw miglong ya mangud nan, "Basi kay Yat magkakan ya balukagan ini.And so his younger sibling says, "Perhaps, Yat, (we) should eat this here balukagan."

witikwitikwitikwitikNmosquito larva swimming up and down in stagnant water1.6.1.7InsectZoolzoology

-y-SCE. > VsfxStatus:Real9.2.9.1Verb affixesder.kyumepkeps.o. hugged anotherpyan-awasunloaded cargo from a beast-of-burden (pl.)