da ilëm tung bintana yang palët, durug këtël.The wind just passes-through the window, it's very strong.Indi tumabus tung trapal yang kuran.The rain will not leak-through the tarpaulin.Tabus yang bala tung duw̓ali(If someone shoots a rifle at a piece of lumber), The bullet will go through it to the other side. tabus: May sasang mëpët ang pagtulduk , "Mga anaw, mamatiyamu ka tung yëën. Indiyamu ka magsinupladu ug̓ud anday lain ang mainabu. Purisu ay kumu durug katetëg̓asën yang mga kulu mi, yang mga bitalaw tabus-tabus ilëm tung mga talinga mi.Yhere was a certain old-person who is-teaching his children, "My children, listen to me. Do not be-stubborn so that nothing bad will-happen. Therefore since your heads are very hard, my words just go right through your ears."synlapustag̓asantlampassapyatdaplis

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