tuyunn vto-order s.t. you wantnagtuyun da tung nuyu yang ana mu,Nagtuyun da yang aruman ta yang utang mu.Our (incl) companion has-sent-a-message about your (sg) debt.Ag̓ituyunaw ra yang mga ana mu ang palaktërita ra kanay duun.Your children are-sending-a-message through me that we (incl) should-be-fetched (by someone) (and be-brought) there (far from both spkr and hearer). Q KUDUL WHAT DOES THIS MEAN?"Tatay ay ra yang itinuyunung aw̓ël ang baklu?" Ag̓aaning ti tatay na, "Yang mulang naa, baskluwaw nakaw̓ut, ag̓apunaw pa, sigia rang tungayngay ang pagsagyap yang aw̓ël mu?""Father where is the new cothing I asked for?" His father said, "This (near spkr) child, I just arrived, its still the afternoon,Duduy aliya, nani ra yang aw̓ël ang itinuyun mu.Sonny, come , here is the clothing you ordered.

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