adalëm11adjdeepsilong; lilimMaayay tung adalëm yang ayu.It’s breezy underneath the tree.Yang mula pagsilig tung adalëm yang balay.The child is sweeping underneath the be deeply affectedAg̓adalëm yang isipu kung magngëlaw ta bitalang sayud tung pamatiu.My mind is-deeply-affected if I happen-to-hear a word which is unacceptable in my hearing.Ag̓adalëm yang nëëm na kung indi mu masapët.He feels-deeply (about it) if you (sg) do not pay-attention to him.Ag̓adalëmaw kung sampiënaw yang lakun ang dakulu. [RAPA]If I am hit by a big wave, I feel-deeply (about it).

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