makmakvbecome-gullableNamagpasimakmak yang mga aruman tang nangaëkël ta mga bulung may mga plaslait.Our (incl) companions let-themselves-become-gullible//took-a-risk when they obtained the medicines and the flashlights.makmak: Yang aruman tang atiya anday ëlëd na tung këtël pagpasimakmak ang pagsaay maskin durug këtël yang tëëb basi pa ra ilëm ang kayanan yang barutu na.As-for that (near hearer) companion of ours (incl), he has no fear of the bad-weather, [pagpasimakmak] riding-in-a-boat even if the ocean has very big waves, in-the-hope that his dugout is-able-to-endure-it. [maybe it means that he took a risk.synpalangaasën

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