mapëslëg adj1over-activeYang mulang atiya durug peslëg yang kalima na. Basin bëlag kasangkapana, ëklana ra ilëm.As-for that (near hearer) child has a very over-active hand. Even-if it is not his tool, he will just get it.Bantayan mi ta mupya yang ari mi, durug pëslëg, muya mabugsu, matag̓amamu tung kalimaw ang maulikaw.Watch-over your (pl) younger-sibling well, he is very over-active, he might-fall, you (pl) may-be-able-to-feel-the-power of my hand when I can-return home. (Implies that the older children to whom she is speaking will stay home with their younger sibling)2to-feel-the-power-ofBantayan mi ta mupya yang ari mi, durug pëslëg, muya mabugsu, matag̓amamu tung kalimaw ang maulikaw.Watch-over your (pl) younger-sibling well, he is very active, he might-fall, you (pl) may-be-able-to-feel-the-power of my hand when I can-return home.

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