Search results for "ចាឡើង"

ចាឡើង /calaəŋ/ v tip up កេង ក្លាំង ឡាន អា ឡាច់ ចាឡើង កុង កល់ ប៉្រយ័។ This truck was too heavily laden and its front tipped up.

ចាឡើង /calaəŋ/ v tip up កេង ក្លាំង ឡាន អា ឡាច់ ចាឡើង កុង កល់ ប៉្រយ័។ This truck was too heavily laden and its front tipped up.

ចាឡើងcalaəŋvtip upកេង ក្លាំង ឡាន អា ឡាច់ ចាឡើង កុង កល់ ប៉្រយ័។This truck was too heavily laden and its front tipped up.