Search results for "ទយ"

ទយ /tɔːj/ v cross; walk over (bridge)

ទយ /tɔːj/ v cross; walk over (bridge)

តាព្លៀស /tapli̤əs/ v slip off អុះ អាញ់ ទយ តាទរ តាព្លៀស ជុង ឡិ ពឹង ទៀក។ My younger brother was crossing the bridge when his foot slipped and he fell into the water.

តាព្លៀស /tapli̤əs/ v slip off អុះ អាញ់ ទយ តាទរ តាព្លៀស ជុង ឡិ ពឹង ទៀក។ My younger brother was crossing the bridge when his foot slipped and he fell into the water.

តាព្លៀសtapli̤əsvslip offអុះ អាញ់ ទយ តាទរ តាព្លៀស ជុង ឡិ ពឹង ទៀក។My younger brother was crossing the bridge when his foot slipped and he fell into the water.

ទយtɔːjvcross; walk over (bridge)

តឹត​ ទយtət tɔːjv1take after2pass down through generations