Tausug - English



baytaminEng.nVitamins, minerals, nutrients (in food).
bayuvag mag-; pat -un; ran -an.To pound (with a pestle).Bayuhun ku in pāy ini.I’ll pound this palay.Bayuhan ku lara in pamāpa ini.I’ll pound hot pepper on these ingredients.Pāy in biyayu niya.It’s rice that she’s pounding.nbabayuA small pestle (esp. used in preparing betel nut chew).OV SYN.*pipis
bayugadjFlabby, flaccid, physically weak (usu. of effeminate men).In tau bayug diꞌ makarā sin unu-unu mabuggat.A man who is flabby cannot carry heavy objects.OV SYN.bantut
1vAQ ag/goal mag-, mang-; pat -un, hipag-; ran pang-…-an, pag-…-an.To buy (something); sell (something).Unu in bīhun mu?What will you buy?Madtu kami mamī-mī pa tinda.We will go shopping to the stores.Kiyapagbī niya in pamulawan niya.She has sold her jewelry.Hipagbī mu in bāy ini?Will you sell this house?Go Teck Leng in piyamīhan namuꞌ sin kahuy.Go Teck Leng is where we bought the wood.Hipamī ku badjuꞌ in sīn ini.I’ll use this money to buy clothes.Bīhan ta kaw badjuꞌ didtu ha Manilaꞌ.I’ll buy you a shirt in Manila.OV SYN.dagang 1nmagbibīA buyer.Nagtatagad in manga magbibī.The buyers are waiting.Cf.sukiꞌnpamī-mīMerchandise bought (either for consumption or to be sold).2vpat hipag-.To cheat, take unfair advantage of, victimize (someone).Ayaw kaw mangandul ha tau putingan, hikapagbī sa kān.Don’t trust a liar, he’ll take unfair advantage of you.
biꞌbiꞌnThe edge of an embankment, edge of a steep slope (on the edge of a road), drop-off (on the edge of a road).In tarak limabay ha biꞌbiꞌ sin dān hangkan sa apit na mahulug.The truck passed at the edge of a steep slope on the edge of the road, that’s why it almost fell.OV SYN.higad 1
biꞌtisvar.bitisThe lower leg between the knee and the ankle.6: The Parts of the Body
biakvtag mag-, -um-; pat -un.To split (something) into pieces lengthwise.Biakun ku in patung ini magꞌupat bat ku hikapaglantay.I’ll split this bamboo in four pieces so I can use it for flooring.vipat ma-.To be split (into pieces lengthwise, by natural causes).Kītaꞌ ku nabiak nagduwa in batu.I saw the rock split into two.OV SYN.*sipak
biasvar.biyasvCH 1 ag mang-; pat -un.To shame or humiliate (someone).Minsan mu yan biasun diꞌ da yan magbayad sin utang niya.He won’t pay his debt even if you shame him.adjWithout dignity or pride, shameless.In tau bias mabayaꞌ sadja magkālu.A shameless person loves to quarrel.OV SYN.sipug
*biatvag mag-; pat -un.To train, teach, instruct (someone, usu. children, esp. with regard to good manners and right conduct).Subay biatun in bataꞌ-bataꞌ sin addat marayaw.Children must be taught good manners.Bībiat siya sin maas niya dayn ha kaasibiꞌ.He has been disciplined by his parents from childhood.nbiatanTraining, discipline, teaching (esp. of moral standards).Marayaw in biat kaniya sin maas niya.His parents gave him good training.OV SYN.hinduꞌ*baut
bibangnThe monitor lizard.Varanus spp.4: Animals, Non-flyingkutu bibangcomp.nA tick.1: Birds and Flying Insects
bibingkanA rice-cake confection.Mananam in bibingka bang taga lamud gulaꞌ.A rice-cake tastes better if it’s flavored with honey.vag mag-; pat -un.To bake a rice-cake.Magbibingka aku haylaya ini.I’ll bake a rice-cake this coming festival.Bibingkahun ku in bugas ini.I’ll bake this rice into a rice-cake.7: Kinds of Confections Served at Special Occasions
bibisnA creature like a lizard (that is believed to enter a woman’s body and feed on her blood, thus preventing her from becoming pregnant, or feed on her unborn baby).Walaꞌ siya naburus sabab awn bibis niya.She didn’t get pregnant because she has a lizard in her body.nbibisanA woman with such a creature inside her.
bibitannThe part of a loom to which the thread is tied.
bicharavar.bissarabitsara1vag mag-, -um-; pat -un, hi-; goal -an.To speak, say (something), talk about (something).Bichara na kaw sin kabayaan mu.Speak out what you want to say.Unu in hibichara mu kākuꞌ?What are you going to say to me?Piyagbicharahan sin manga kunsihal in pagpalingkat sin daira.The counselors were talking about the beautification of the town.Bicharahun ta in hikahatul sin hulaꞌ ta.Let’s talk about things that can bring peace to our place.Ayaw kaw magbichara sin makakangiꞌ atay sin tau.Don’t speak of things that hurt another person’s feelings.OV SYN.hilalaunganderv.laung1 kabtanganlapal2vgoal -an.To persuade, convince (someone); speak to (someone with some purpose in mind), sweet-talk.Bicharahan ku siya bat diꞌ magad pa gimba.I’ll persuade him not to go to the interior.Bīcharahan niya aku magad kaniya.He sweet-talked me into going along with him.
bichara maghulug maananA parable.Mahunit aku makahāti sin bichara maghulug maana.It’s hard for me to understand a parable.Bang kaw bukun mataliꞌ diꞌ kaw makahāti sin bichara maghulug maana.If you’re not keen-witted you can’t understand a parable.
bichara-bicharavar.bissara-bissarabitsara-bitsaranRumor, hearsay, gossip.Ayaw kaw magkahagad sin bichara-bichara ha guwaꞌ yan.Don’t believe that gossip people tell.vag mag-; goal -an.To spread a rumor.Sila in nagbichara-bichara pasal sin asawa mu.They spread a rumor about your wife.OV SYN.limut
bīdnA small hill, the slope of a hill.adjSloping.Mabīd in hulaꞌ Danag.The place Danag is sloping.OV SYN.būd 1bakūd
biddaꞌnOften in the phrase way biddaꞌ, which may also mean “recklessly, without care, nonsensically.”Difference.Unu in kabayaan mu inumun? Way biddaꞌ, laung sin iban niya.What do you want to drink? It makes no difference, said her companion.Hinang way biddaꞌ in tau yan.That fellow works carelessly.Ayaw kaw magbichara way biddaꞌ bang nagdurungug hi Inaꞌ.Don’t talk nonsensically if Mother is listening.adjDifferent, distinct.Biddaꞌ in addat niya dayn ha katān anak ku.Her character is different from the rest of my children.vact/ag mag-.To treat (someone) differently (from others with a degree of inequality), deal unequally, be unequal.Diꞌ magbiddaꞌ in lasa sin inaꞌ ha manga anak niya.A mother’s love towards her children isn’t unequal.viact -um-.To become different, become distinct from.Middaꞌ in lupa mu dayn ha katān bang yan in badjuun mu.Your looks will become different from everyone else’s if you wear that dress.OV SYN.āg 1
biddurinPrecious stone, gem.
bidjaknCaress; show of fondness, affection, or tenderness.Bang in bidjak mu biyaꞌ kan Anang, lumasa tuud in inaꞌ mu kaymu.If your show of affection would only be like Anang’s, your mother would love you more.adjmabidjakAffectionate, caressive.Mataud malasa ha bataꞌ mabidjak.Many people love an affectionate child.vag mag-; ran -an.To caress; show fondness, affection, or tenderness (to someone).Bidjaki hi apuꞌ mu bat kaw karihilan sīn.Caress your grandmother so she’ll give you money.OV SYN.animu
bigaꞌnSexual lust.In bigaꞌ niya nakalanduꞌ.Her sexual lust was excessive.adjbigaan/mabigaꞌ(Of women) licentious, flirtatious.vag mag-.To become licentious, become flirtatious.Hikasipug kaw sin kampung mu bang kaw magbigaꞌ.Your relatives will be ashamed of you if you become licentious.OV SYN.baisputa
biginA seed (as of fruits, vegetables, also of grains and nuts before they have been dried to be used as seeds).OV SYN.binhiꞌadjmabigi/bigihanSeedy; (of rice) not well-cooked.Bigihan in kaunun tiyugnaꞌ mu.The rice you cooked is not well-cooked.
bigi asumnCheekbone.Mataas in bigi asum niya.His cheekbones are high.
bigi butuꞌnThe testicles.OV SYN.butuꞌbuyung
biglaꞌTag.adjAbrupt, hasty, sudden.Biglaꞌ in pagtulak niya pa Manilaꞌ.His trip to Manila was sudden.advAbruptly, suddenly.Biglaꞌ siya nalawaꞌ.He suddenly disappeared.vtaux -un.To shock (someone); yank, jerk (something).Bīglaꞌ mu in pagꞌutung mu.The way you pulled, you jerked it.viST pat ma-.To be or become shocked.Nabiglaꞌ siya pagkitaꞌ niya sin bangkay.He was shocked when he saw the corpse.OV SYN.kublaꞌ