acs |
accessory |
act |
actor |
adj. | adjective |
adv. | adverb |
Af | accessory focus |
ag | agent |
ANT. | antonym |
AQ | Acquisition Verb |
AR | Field of Action Verb |
Ar. | Arabic |
aux | auxiliary verb |
b | begun aspect |
ben | beneficiary |
C | consonant |
cap. | capitalized |
Cf. | compare with |
CH 1 | Standard Change of Verb compound |
CH 2 | Result Change of State Verb compound |
CV 1 | Standard Conveyance Verb |
CV 2 | Carrying Conveyance Verb |
CV 3 | Speech Conveyance Verb |
der. | derivative |
e.g. | for example |
Eng. | English |
equiv. | equivalent |
esp. | especially |
euph. | euphemism |
exp | experiencer |
fig. | figurative |
GENR. | generic |
gimb. | gimbahanun (speech of people from the interior) |
i.e. | that is |
inst | instrument |
intj. | interjection |
lit. | literally |
Lu. | Luuk |
Mal. | Malay |
mkr | marker |
n. | noun |
nb | not-begun aspect |
Obf | object focus |
obj | object |
Of | originator focus |
opp. | opposite |
orig | originator |
over-syn | overlapping synonym |
pat | patient |
pers | personal |
pl. | plural |
poss. | possessive |
pron. | pronoun |
q.v. | which see |
ran | range |
RC | Reciprocal Verb |
rdp. | reduplicated/reduplication |
ref | referent |
Rf | referent focus |
rel. | relator |
sg. | singular |
SPEC. | specific |
spp. | species |
ST | Stative Verb |
SYN. | synonym |
Tag. | Tagalog |
topic (in examples below the word in) | topic marker |
TV | Travel Verb |
usu. | usually |
v. | verb |
var. | variation |
vi. | intransitive (non-agentive) verb |
vt. | transitive (agentive) verb |
Note: In the English definitions all references to he, him, his etc. should also be taken to refer to she, her, hers etc.