
The southwest Téké alphabet consists of twenty-nine (39) letters:

5 vowels: a e  i  o  u

14 single consonants: f  h  k  l  m  n  ŋ  p  r  s  t  w  y

20 consonant digraphs: bv  dz  gh  kp  mb

     mf  mp  mv  nd  ng  ngb  nk  nkp  ns  nt  ny  nz  ŋm  pf  ts


The headwords are displayed in alphabetical order in this dictionary, according to the initial letter (without treating the digraphs as separate letters).


Below is the alphabetical order used in this dictionary:

           a  b  d  e  f  g  k  l  m  n  ŋ  o  p  s  t  w  y


Alphabet chart

(The phonetic description is shown in brackets.)

Letter Phonetic pronunciation Example Meaning
a A [a] ba palmier
b B [b] baana enfants
bv Bv [bv] bvulu ville
dz Dz [dz] dzyi amour
e E [ɛ] me moi
f F [f] ofulu souffler
gh Gh [ɣ] mpughu rat
h H [h] nkehe colère
i I [i] oŋmini vieillir
k K [k] kele pierre
kp Kp [kp] okpa mourrir
l L [l] lala folie
m M [m] maama maman
mb Mb [mb] mbaa feu
mf f [mpf] mfulu tortue
mp Mp [mp] mpara souffrance
mv Mv [mbv] mvulu pluie
n N [n] naana frère ainé
nd Nd [nd] nduu ami
ng Ng [ŋg] ngili interdit
ngb Ngb [ŋgb] mungba sel
nk Nk [ŋk] nka antilope
nkp Nkp [ŋkp] nkp pâte (manioc)
ns Ns [nts] nsie terre
nt Nt [nt] ntala prix
ny Ny [ɲ] nyoro soif
nz Nz [ndz] nzili chemin
ŋ Ŋ [ŋ] ŋa ici
ŋm Ŋ [ŋ] ŋmini oiseau
o O [o] ndoo sorcellerie
p P [p] paba aile
pf Pf [pf] lipfu mort, décès
r R [ɾ] taara papa
s S [s] osa faire
t T [t] teme houe
ts Ts [ts] tswi oreille
u U [u] busu visage
w W [w] owa donner
y Y [j] yulu ciel

All vowels could be nasalized at the end of a word. In that case, we add the tilde (~) over the final vowel. (If the vowel is long, the nasalization is marked by a single tilde on the final vowel.) Example:

myaã  mains              emoõ causerie