sonndèdu pidginn1nɛ/ɓɛ1/2dimancheSundayƊǔn kæ̀nni ɓwiꞌ ɓe kuꞌ sonndè ji kɛ myi lɛ̀ mɛ̀ kæꞌ ta kuꞌ gwè ji kɛ ndɛm.Avant-hier, nous passions (Litt. : mangions) dimanche au village pendant que les singes mangeaient du maïs au champ.The day before yesterday, we were spending (Lit.: eating)Sunday in the village while the monkeys were eating corn in the field.2semaineweekKwan sɛ wù kwia sea ŋgyɔꞌ, wù yæ̀sì son sonndè mbɔꞌ.Après avoir coupé le palmier (pour en recueillir le vin), tu dois le laisser couler pendant une semaine.After having cut down the palm tree (to collect the palm wine from it), you need to let it run for a week.Cfnywɔꞌ sonndè

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