huri1hurinforest, the bush, scrubland, uncultivated landmonte, pajonalHurima minonomano atuluma horocoqe naribama ytuhuaue mobicho?Did you say that on arriving at the forest, the arrows should be lain together and that an honorable person should say prayers?On arriving to the forest, did you order to lay the arrows together and let the conjuror say prayers over them for your benefit?Y en llegando al monte, as hecho junto todas las flechas y que las reze un viejo a vuestro vso?Conf, f1 1.1Huri melaso habueleta naye atuluma mareca ahanaye quranoma marecaquene nachicalisota paluta nayoco eyaso yaquilaco eyasoquosta elota nabue chasota aya pahama ta iribosono lehabe mobicho?To go hunting deer, one has to burn scrubland to hunt them, have you made six arrows and six splinters of oak, and mixing a yaquila all between a woven cloth, and singing all night, and then you will go hunting and that you will catch many, have you said this?Para yr a caza de benados, y auer de q[ue]mar para cazallos algun pajonal, as hecho que seis flechas y seis astillas de robla endidas y mezclando vna yaquila todo entre tejido y hecho que toda la noche canten, y luego que yra[n] acaza y q[ue] cojera[n] muchos as lo dicho assi?Conf, f1 1.1Huri is used as a translation of a few Spanish words, but is especially is used as the equivalent of monte 'hill, forest, vegetation, bush' and once as the equivalent of pajonal 'scrubland'.Confident

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