Search results for "chit"

chit /tɕit⁵⁵/ v 1blame (someone) 怪(别人) | nga le mvnchitsheu neu. Don't blame me. 你们俩别怪我. 2be angry at 3make angry 使生气
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chitang /tɕi³¹tɑŋ⁵⁵/ n type of wild fowl 一种野鸡
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chitaq /tɕi³¹tɑʔ⁵⁵/ n diaper 尿布
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jotsheu /ʑɔt⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1ride (horse, bicycle etc.) 骑(马、自行车等) | vgeui vchit do jotsheu. The monkey is riding the goat. 猴子骑羊. 2straddle 跨上
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kaqchit /kɑ³¹tɕit⁵⁵/ n type of disease that affects chickens, the main symptom of which are ulcers growing on the head 一种鸡病,主要症状是在头部长疮
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kvraq /kə³¹rɑʔ⁵⁵/ n pocket (in clothing) 衣兜 | (First Township) guraq /gu³¹rɑʔ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) chitou /tɕi³¹tɔu⁵⁵/
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nini chichi /ni⁵⁵ni⁵⁵ tɕi⁵⁵tɕi⁵⁵/ n very small black and white bird, with different winter and summer calls 一种黑色和白色的鸟 | Onomatopoetic. Or nini chitchit. 象声词.也有 nini chitchit.
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plat /plɑt⁵⁵/ v put out; drive out; herd 放;驱赶 | vchit vra le nvplat lung sheu? Where were the goats herded off to? 羊赶到哪儿了?
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-ra /rɑ⁵³/ n plural (+) for moveable things (humans, animals) | vchitra flock of sheep 羊群 |
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svm /səm⁵³/ vt 及物动 peel (animal skin) 剥(兽皮) | vchit pvsvmsheu. You two peel sheepskin. (你俩)剥羊皮.
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tvn /tən⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 show; display 展示;给看 | vyaq nagoq le mvntvn neu, chitsheu mvgvm. Don't give that to the child to look at, it'll stir up trouble. 那个别给孩子看,会闹(着要)不好.
svtvn vt 及物动 show 展示
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vchit /ə³¹tɕit⁵⁵/ n 1domesticated goat 2mountain goat 山羊
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vchit peun /ə³¹tɕit⁵⁵ pɯn⁵⁵/ n sheepskin 羊皮
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vplat /ə³¹plɑt⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 scatter (of sheep being herded) (羊群被驱赶)分散 | vchit gong le vplat di. The herd of sheep have scattered over the slope. 羊群散到坡上了.
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wangchitvng /wɑk⁵⁵tɕi⁵⁵təŋ⁵⁵/ n streamside place for drawing water 溪边打水处
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