Search results for "hrvmmei"

hrvm /xrəm⁵³/ n second level of the sky, to which the lives of men and women are connected 天空中的第二级,以其中男女性的生命连接 | Cf. hrvmmei
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hrvmchi /xrəp⁵⁵tɕi⁵³/ n small drying area just above the hearth, made of bamboo and suspended from the hrvmmei, used to dry wood and meat 火塘上方的架子,用来晒干东西
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hrvmmei /xrəm³¹məi⁵³/ n large storage area under the roof, covering the space above the hearth and serving for cereal storage, notably those for alcohol 火塘上方的存放东西的大架子 | Symbolically represents the second level of the sky (hrvm). 象征天空中的第二级.
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