Search results for "ur"

a /ɑ⁵³/ 1interj 感叹 okay (expresses agreement or recognition) 唉(表示答应) | a, nga mvding. Okay, I won't go. 唉,我不去了. 2interj 感叹 ah (expresses surprise) 噢(表示惊讶) | a, vtvng nvchung e? Hm? What are you saying? 噢,你说什么啊? 3interj 感叹 oh (used to make a deliberate pause) 啊(用来做故意停顿) | nvng a, na manvdi a? Nang, are you going or not? 娜啊,你去吗? 4prt 助词 question 吗(疑问) | matvtei saqdeu ra, a? Is it really interesting? 是不是很有趣?
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baicheur /bɑi³¹tɕɯr⁵³/ n oak tree epiphyte (produces a liquid that animals drink, presenting an opportunity for hunters) 栎树附生植物(野生动物来喝里面产生的液体,猎人等在附近) | (First Township) maicheur /mɑi³¹tɕɯr⁵³/
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baisan /bɑi³¹sɑn⁵⁵/ n type of hunting trap 一种扣子 | Involves a sweetened acorn dangling from a string attached to a tree branch, used for catching small creatures. 用从树枝上绳线叼着的甜橡子来捕捉小动物.
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baq /bɑʔ⁵⁵/ v 1step over | (四乡)peur nvbaq pvng'o. Be sure to step over the bowl. 你的(脚)要跨碗了. 2stride over 跨过
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bei /bəi⁵⁵/ v be finished up; used up 用完;尽 | nga neut bei di. My cigarette is done. 我的烟(吸)完了. | vngning le suli bei taq bing. I gave them all of the pears. 梨子全都给他们了. | (Fourth Township) vbai /ə³¹bɑi⁵⁵/
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beu /bɯ³¹/ prt 助词 remote past perfective 完成体(很久以前完成或发生) | vng Peching le dii beui. He went to Beijing (a long time ago). 他(很久以前)去北京了. | toi v'mlo beu forgot long ago 早就忘了 | na nvgreung beui ka pvmit. Remember your own words. 记住你自己的话.
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beur /bɯr⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be fat (person or animal) | waq tvtei beur. The pig is pretty fat. 猪很肥. | vng beur beur e. He's very fat. 他很胖.
svbeur vt 及物动 fatten 使肥
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beuren /bɯ³¹rɛn⁵³/ n type of serpent mentioned in mythology 传说的一种龙
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beurong /bɯ³¹rɔŋ⁵³/ n roundworm (ascaris lumbricoides) 蛔虫
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beusheur /bɯ³¹ɕɯr⁵⁵/ n type of brightly colored, poisonous snake 一种红色的毒蛇 | Lives near people's homes. 住在家附近.
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binma /bin³¹mɑ⁵⁵/ n wound 伤口 | binma rvseq scab | (Fourth Township) bilma /bil³¹mɑ⁵⁵/
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bla /blɑ⁵⁵/ n image 雕像;塑像 | Includes pictures, drawings, statues etc. 包括画幅、雕像等等.
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blaq /blɑʔ⁵⁵/ v lie on all fours (四肢张开着)趴 | vsa do mvnblaqsheu neu. Don't lie flat on the floor. 别趴在地上.
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blon /blɔn⁵³/ vi 不及物动 survive; be alive 活过来 | kaq blon di. The chicken is alive. 鸡活了. |
svblon vt 及物动 revive 救活
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blung /bluŋ⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 billow; surge (水往上)溅(起水柱) | ngang ngo le blung. The water is billowing up. 水往上溅起.
svblung vt 及物动 splash 使溅起
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bluq /bluʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be punctured; have a hole (in a basket or other receptacle) (篮子等有眼的容器)破(洞) | dong bluq di. There's a hole in the bamboo tube. 竹筒破了洞. 2leak
svbluq vt 及物动 break through 弄破
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boq /bɔʔ⁵⁵/ adv near at hand 附近;旁边(挨近身体处) | kyeum boq do seum beumbeum kat. There are lot of peach trees planted near the house. 房子旁边种了很多桃树. | boq kei | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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brai /brɑi⁵⁵/ v scratch (with a claw) (爪子)划 | vli mi mvr nvbrai ra neu. Be careful the cat doesn't scratch your face. 小心猫抓你脸.
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brakyi /brɑ³¹ci⁵⁵/ n chili pepper 辣椒 | (Fourth Township) ba'kri /bɑ⁵³kri⁵⁵/
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brem /brɛm⁵³/ v toast (in the flames) (在火焰上)烤 | mvdeum chuq pvbreem. Let the torch burn (in the flames) a bit. 把火把烤一下. | (Fourth Township) prem /prɛm⁵³/
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breng /brɛŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1tear; be torn (of clothing, thread) (衣服、布条)破裂 | gyoq breng di. The clothing is torn. 衣服破了. 2break (of bottles etc.) 打破 | (Fourth Township) breq /brɛʔ⁵⁵/
svbreng vt 及物动 tear 弄破
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breq /brɛʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 have sharp pain (e.g. from a thorny plant) 辣疼 | ur breq sharp pain in the arm 手辣疼
svbreq vt 及物动 cause searing pain 使辣疼
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brom /brɔm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1expand; swell 膨胀 | ngo le brom swell up 膨起 2pluck up (one's courage) 鼓起
svbrom vt 及物动 cause to swell 使膨胀
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brvngnaq /brəŋ³¹nɑʔ⁵⁵/ n type of black fly 一种的蝇虫 | Smaller than an ordinary house fly, lays its eggs in burned swidden land. 比苍蝇略小,在灰土里产卵.
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brvt /brət⁵⁵/ v scratch (with a claw) (用爪子快速)抓 | chuq nvbrat rang. It scratched me a bit. 抓了我一下. | (Fourth Township) huai /xuɑi⁵³/
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