为 "cheu" 的搜索结果

baicheur /bɑi³¹tɕɯr⁵³/ n oak tree epiphyte (produces a liquid that animals drink, presenting an opportunity for hunters) 栎树附生植物(野生动物来喝里面产生的液体,猎人等在附近) | (First Township) maicheur /mɑi³¹tɕɯr⁵³/
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chat /tɕɑt⁵⁵/ v discard; throw away 丢弃;扔;撒 | vya pvchaat. Throw that out. 把那个扔了. | mvcheu chat throw wherever you like 随便撒
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cheu /tɕɯ⁵⁵/ 1vt 及物动 catch (with a fishing net) (用夹网)夹(鱼) | ngvplaq cheu beung ning. I'm going to catch fish. 我去夹鱼. 2n fishing net (hung on two long bamboo canes) 夹网
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cheu'meq /tɕɯ³¹mɛʔ⁵⁵/ n fishing net mesh 夹网眼
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cheu'plang /tɕɯ³¹plɑŋ⁵⁵/ n spirit takes that possession of shamans or those in an alcoholic frenzy (also called u'plang) 一种神灵(着魔巫师,发酒风的人) | (Fourth Township) chi'plang /tɕi³¹plɑŋ⁵⁵/
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cheudor /tɕɯ³¹dɔr⁵³/ n fishing net pole 夹网竿
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cheugyvng /tɕɯ³¹ɟəŋ⁵³/ n fishing net 鱼网
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cheum /tɕɯm⁵³/ quant 数量 1more; much | cheum pvluu rvt. Take a little more. 多拿一点来. | na cheum ta so. You understand quite a bit (of what's being said.) 你还是很听得懂. | (四乡)chvnuq gvm taq rong live pretty well 好好地生活 2comparatively; quite 比较 | (Fourth Township) chunuq /tɕu³¹nuʔ⁵⁵/
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*cheum /tɕɯm⁵⁵/ n 1maternal aunt 姨妈 2aunt (wife of paternal uncle) 叔母;伯母 3stepmother 后母 | (Fourth Township) nyanya /ɲɑ⁵⁵ɲɑ⁵⁵/

nvcheum n (your) maternal aunt; aunt (wife of paternal uncle); stepmother (你/你们的)姨妈;叔母;伯母;后母
vcheum n (my/our) maternal aunt; wife of paternal uncle; stepmother; older woman (我的)姨妈;叔母;伯母;后母;阿姨
vngcheum n (his/her/their) maternal aunt; wife of paternal uncle; stepmother (他/她/他们的)姨妈;叔母;伯母;后母
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cheup /tɕɯp⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 chew; gnaw (sugar cane, corncob) 啃(甘蔗、玉米杆)
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cheuq /tɕɯʔ⁵⁵/ 1interj 感叹 damn (expresses displeasure or pain) 哎哟(表示被淋湿) | cheuq, nvshaq rang. Damn, you soaked me. 哎哟,我被淋湿了. 2v serve (someone) right, expressing schadenfreude 活该(表示幸灾乐祸) | wei, tvcheuqcheuq. Serves him right! 活该!
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chicheung /tɕi³¹tɕɯŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be very small 小小的 | mvdur chicheung cu put forth tender little shoots 吐出点点嫩芽
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ching /tɕiŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be small; tiny | vngsaq ching quiet 轻声 2be thin; fine 瘦;细 | vnggeu ching He's small (in stature). 个子小. 3be cramped; narrow | (First Township) cheung /ɯŋ⁵³/
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chiq /tɕiʔ⁵⁵/ v 1light (a fire) 点(火);打(火) | tvmi pvchiqsheu. You two light the fire. (你俩)点火. 2strike a light 打(火) | (First Township) cheuq /tɕɯʔ⁵⁵/

pvchiq v kindle 点(火)
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chiq /tɕiʔ⁵⁵/ v 1pinch | aang nvchiq rang. He's pinching me. 他掐我. 2wash (hands) 洗(手) | ur pvchiqsheu. Wash your hands a bit. 洗一下手吧. 3suckle (at a breast) 吃(奶) | nung chiq suckle at a breast 吃奶 | (First Township) cheuq /ɯʔ⁵⁵/
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deumching /dəp⁵⁵tɕiŋ⁵³/ n lower back 后腰 | Fourth Township. 四乡话. | (First Township) deumcheung /dvp⁵⁵tɕɯŋ⁵³/
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dong /dɔŋ⁵⁵/ n 1bamboo tube 竹筒 | dong do ngang kvp. Put water in the bamboo tube. 竹筒里打水. 2bottle 瓶子 | Cf. svkvm, heu, pangcheuq for other types of containers, based on the contents they hold. 根据他们持有的内容,也有其他的容器.
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dvm /dəm⁵³/ vi 不及物动 1be full | ngang dvm di. It's full of water. 水满了. | vngza mvdvm food not filled (to the top) 饭不满 | (一乡)kei dvm laqnyvvl! May you eat your fill! 祝你能吃得饱! | rong dvm sheu mal can't seat any more (fit) 坐不下,坐不成 2increase | cheum vkat dvm make it a little hotter 加热一点 3compare 对比

svdvm vt 及物动 fill up 使满
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gyapsheu /ɟɑp⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ v 1open wide 敞开 | (一乡)vyeung te nvkcheung gyapsheu ge. It's the two of us who opened the door wide. 是我两把门敞开的. 2dig open 掘开
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hreichiq /xrəi³¹tɕiʔ⁵⁵/ n ankle (joint) 脚关节;脚踝 | (First Township) hreicheuq /xrɛi³¹ɯʔ⁵⁵/ | (Fourth Township) hichiq /xi³¹iʔ⁵⁵/
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hreuq /xrɯʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be thin; be lean | na nvhreuq ra. You got thin. 你瘦了. | (Fourth Township) cheui /ɯi⁵⁵/

svhreuq vt 及物动 make emaciated 使瘦
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jong'lv'jong /ʑɔŋ⁵⁵lə³¹ʑɔŋ⁵⁵/ adv on top and bottom 一上一下 | pvcheuq jong'le'jong lungplang do rong. The birds are sitting in rows on the flagstones. 鸟在石板上一上一下地坐着.
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kachiq /kɑ³¹tɕiʔ⁵⁵/ n resolution; sense; bargain (in a dispute or situation) 道理;(处理某种纠纷或事件时,作为约定的)话 | ka ti chiq one argument; one point 一条道理 | (First Township) kacheuq /kɑ³¹tɕɯʔ⁵⁵/
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kongching /kɔk⁵⁵tɕiŋ⁵³/ vi 不及物动 be cheap 便宜 | (First Township) kongcheung /kɔk⁵⁵tɕɯŋ⁵³/
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konkvn /kɔk⁵⁵kən⁵⁵/ n orphan (fatherless child) 孤儿 | tvcheu konkvn destitute orphan 孤苦伶仃的孤儿 | Literary language. 文学语言.
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