为 "e di" 的搜索结果

beu /bɯ³¹/ prt 助词 remote past perfective 完成体(很久以前完成或发生) | vng Peching le dii beui. He went to Beijing (a long time ago). 他(很久以前)去北京了. | toi v'mlo beu forgot long ago 早就忘了 | na nvgreung beui ka pvmit. Remember your own words. 记住你自己的话.
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bvn /bən⁵⁵/ vt 及物动 1empty (of household utensils) (器皿)空 | ban mabvn? Is the plate empty? 盆子是空的吗? 2have free time 有空 | tvnni vtei ewa gya le di nvban e? How do you have free time to go out today? 今天怎么有空出来呀?
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che /tɕɛ³¹/ prt 助词 1adverbializer (-ly) | gvmche pvrong take care now 好好地住吧 | na ewa che nvchung? Why are you always saying that? 你为什么总是这样说? 2as; just; only 只;就 | ti gyoq che di di It was only him who came. 只有他一个人来了. | Attaches as a suffix to certain words. 能当后缀.
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chi'klung mon /tɕi³¹kluŋ⁵⁵ mɔn⁵⁵/ n cane divination 拐卜
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co'naq /tsɔ³¹nɑʔ⁵⁵/ n direction in which spirits face, and towards which a dead person should be facing in order to become a spirit 一种鬼灵存在的方向 | (一乡)mvr co'naq lai le maqvpoq hreq pvwasheu. Don't turn your face in the direction of the spirits. 不要把脸朝向鬼灵存在的那个方向. | After a person dies and his face is in the spirit direction, he will remain dead (unable to become a spirit). 人死后如果脸朝向“朝拿”,就会继续死人.
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coq /tsɔʔ⁵⁵/ n type of spirit 一种鬼灵 | After someone dies, their body should be made to face east immediately, so that the coq spirit can see it, otherwise it will continue to be merely dead. 人死后要立即使其面朝东,让这种鬼灵看到,否则会继续死人.
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cvmnai /tsəm³¹nɑi⁵⁵/ n container with five different types of seed, used for divination purposes during the mvsoq ritual 种子容器(保命延寿仪式)
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di /di³¹/ prt 助词 1go (andative deictic marker from any point of reference, often the speaker) 去(动作向外,可能是说话人正处的位置,兼表亲见意义) | vng shing ri le dii di. (I saw that) he went to carry firewood. (我看见)他去背柴了. | nga sheng le ding di wa geuq kleup e. Someone said I went to the county capital, but he was lying. (某人说)我去县城了,是谎话. 2immediate past perfective (visual evidential) 完成体(刚刚完成,兼表亲见意义) | ngang vsu di. The water is boiled. 水(烧)开了. | In both senses, typically not used with a first-person agent, unless reporting someone else's statement about the speaker. Speaker is directly reporting a witnessed event. 一般不用于第一人称做施事,除非表示说话人转述他人的话. 动作的发生是说话人亲眼目睹的. | (First Township) gyi /ɟi³¹/
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dvbleu /də³¹blɯ⁵³/ n wormwood (a type of plant) 蒿子(一种草) | Common plant, with a foul odor, can be boiled and rubbed inside the anus to ease diarrhea. Source of a river name in Burma, Dvbleu rvmei. 常见的植物,有难闻的气味,可煮揉肛门内缓解腹泻. 缅甸河名的来源.
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dvm /dəm⁵⁵/ prt 助词 inchoative (be about to) 将要 | (四乡)Mvningwang Bvngpot le di dvm e ra, na vtei wa dvm? When you go to Bapo next year, what will you do? 明年去巴坡你要怎么办? | (四乡)lambroq me neu ngaq dvm svlon. His friends are encouraging him to drink. 他的朋友劝他喝. | Fourth Township. 四乡话.
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e di /ɛ⁵⁵ di³¹/ interj 感叹 enough; okay 够了;好了
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gleup /glɯp⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1get stuck in 陷进 2disappear gradually 渐渐消失 | vng ruq do gleup di. He disappeared into the gully. 他消失在山沟里了.

svgleup vt 及物动 implant 嵌进
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grai /grɑi⁵³/ vi 不及物动 die (by freezing or starving) (冻、饿)死 | vng lvka do grai wa. I hear he died up on the mountain (of unnatural causes). 说他死在山上了.

svgrai vt 及物动 freeze; starve to death 使冻;饿死
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gyu /ɟu⁵⁵/ adv down (in the downstream direction) 下面(下游方) | gyuu further down 最下面 | vng gyu le di di. He's walking down that way (downstream). 他往下面去了. | (Fourth Township) yu /ju⁵⁵/
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hrolsheu /xrɔl⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 hide oneself (urgently or degradingly) 躲藏(紧急、下贱) | vng vra le hrolsheu e? Where did he hide himself? 他躲哪儿去了? > hrol
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hyarung /xʲɑ³¹ruŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be diligent; hard-working 勤奋 | (Fourth Township) sharung /ɕɑ³¹ruŋ⁵⁵/
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hyvng /xʲəŋ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 be adept; skilled 娴熟 | vng wa mvhyvng ra. He did it unskillfully. 他干得不娴熟. | (Fourth Township) shvng /ɕəŋ⁵⁵/
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kvrisheu /kə³¹ri⁵⁵ɕɯ³¹/ vi 不及物动 1wander; take a stroll 转悠;游荡 | vra le nakvrisheu meu? Where are you wandering off to today? 你今天到那儿转悠了? 2take a turn 转动 3be dizzy 头晕 | meq kvrisheu > kvri
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lalaka(ka) /lɑ⁵⁵lɑ⁵³kɑ⁵⁵(kɑ⁵⁵)/ adv inconveniently (do something) 不方便作谋事 | lalaka(ka) mvton not finish something because of the difficulty (因为不方便)不会完成谋事
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mara /mɑ³¹rɑ⁵⁵/ 1vi 不及物动 be opposed; not get along well 不和;不睦 | vngne chuq sheu mara. The two of them don't get along at all. 他俩一点也不和. 2v be different 有区别;不一样 | sha wa le di pvngwang be, chuq mara nvm za. We were going to go hunting, but it's been raining continually. 因为天天下雨所以没有去打猎. | vra mara mvli all over the world 五洲四海
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monwvt /mɔn³¹wət⁵⁵/ 1n divination 占卜 2v practice divination | Usually tying leaves together and reading them. 把叶子捆绑在一起,阅读.
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naq /nɑʔ⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be black; dark 黑色 | naq wa pvsai purple (i.e. "dark red") 紫红色 2be dirty; filthy
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ngo /ŋɔ⁵⁵/ adv up; upwards (height) 上方(高度) | ngoo up (even further) 最上面 | vng ngo le di di. He went up. 他去上面了.
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nor /nɔr⁵³/ v not eat (out of anger) (因生气)不吃(饭) | gya vng mi noor e. This is what he didn't eat. 这是他不吃的.
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nyeum /ɲɯm⁵⁵/ vi 不及物动 1be dirty; be filthy 2revile (think someone is filthy) 嫌脏 | vng nga le nyeum ra. He thinks I'm filthy. 他嫌脏我.
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