为 "panteu" 的搜索结果

hyit /xʲit⁵⁵/ v push; slide over (something that remains on the ground) (底部不离地面地)挪动;移动 | panteu koko nvhyit. Push the chair over there. 推椅子吧. | (Fourth Township) shit /ɕit⁵⁵/

hyitsheu vi 不及物动 slide oneself over 移动
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panteu /pɑt⁵⁵tɯ⁵⁵/ n seat; bench; chair (usually wood) 板凳;凳子 | na panteu do pvrong. Sit down in the chair. 请你坐在凳子上. | Chinese loanword. 中文借词.
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